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It's my baby's birthday bitches!!
Haha xD so here's a chapter for ZaynI'm sorry couldn't include him in it *crying a river* :(((((

"You hear that Harry? I think someone is uh... grunting maybe?" I concentrate on the faint voice coming from nearby.

"Nah they're moaning, I can differentiate sexual noises from grunts."

"Shut up!" I tell him.

"We must be closer to the road. Let's keep walking." We decided to keep walking towards the direction of those strange noises.

"Fuck!" Harry whispers in my ear and pulls me behind a tree. "Look they're fucking in the woods! Sex freaks!" He tries so hard to digest his laugh. The girl is lying flat on the ground and the guy is all over her.

"Ew! Don't look that way!" I turn my head away from the weird couple. Harry's watching them with a smirk on his face. "Urgh! Cmon ignore them!" I pull him with me while pacing to the visible road. We see a car parked in front of us.

"Bella! I think it's their car." Harry points to a black vehicle. "Wait here okay." He instructs me and goes to the car taking shallow steps. I stay hidden in the bushes. The road is quite creepy and deserted, there's no trace of humans here, just green trees and chirpy birds.

I cautiously look at the couple only to see them enjoying their ride. Disgusting! Harry motions me to come near him. What is this curly up to?

"Bella those idiots haven't even turn the car off! See, the keys are still inserted and the door is open!" He says excitedly.

"So you are trying to imply..." My eyes widen at the possibilities.

"Yes Bella, we are taking their car." Harry hops in the driver's seat. "Don't be so grumpy get in!" He whispers and opens the door for me. My mind debates on the thought of stealing someone's possession. Its not right, I can't do it.

"It's wrong Harry we can't simply steal-"

"We're not stealing Bella, I promise you I'll make sure that the car reaches them safely. Now hurry up!" I open the door and climb on the passenger seat unwillingly.

"Off to our adventure!" Harry hits the gas pedal and the engine roars.

"Hey bastard! Come back you thieves!" The half naked man curses from the behind while zipping his chain. Normally I would be scared in such a situation but instead I find it quite exciting and hilarious.

"Tuck yo willy in mister! Thanks for the car! Enjoy fucking each other!" Harry shouts back at him and I break into laughter.

"You are crazy Harry!" I swat his arm playfully.

"You are equally crazy Bella, you just don't show it." He pokes my cheek and kisses my nose.

"Eyes on the road Styles!" I scold him to which he just rolls his eyes. I giggle and think of checking my look in the mirror. Oh fuck. My hair is a mess, I have some mud stains on my face.

Unfaithfully His [H.S. & Z.M.]Where stories live. Discover now