Runaways~Chapter Nine

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                                                                                 ~Melissa's P.O.V.~

I was a bit suspicious when Zacky suddenly left, First off, On the phone, I heard loud music, girls and a lot of laughing. Second, He seemed to be getting a bit fancied up.. If he was only going down the street to "Pick Jimmy and Johnny up" Then why was he doing what he was doing? I tried to shake it off, Knowing I'm over reacting. I rethought about our little romantic session a few moments ago.. I started to think I wasn't good enough.

I hopped out of the bunk, Hearing Matt yelling into the phone, Slowly, I made my way to the kitchen, Hoping we didn't do anything to make him so angry, I walked into the kitchen, Only seeing Jason, Matt and Brian, They all looked at me, Jason sighed and tried to calm Mat down, But Matt nearly sent him flying. I jumped in shock, Thinking of my father. Brian shot up and walked over to me, Pulling me into his embrace. "He's just mad cause the guys took off and they weren't supposed to leave.." He whispered in the ear, Rubbing my back softly.

I nodded, Knowing now Zacky just got himself into a world of shit. "NO! This is not acceptable Jimmy! I don't care if you guys are getting ladies right now! All of you.. I mean ALL THREE OF YOU get back to this tour bus within; five minutes. No excuses. Goodbye!" Matt hung up and walked to the back room, Obviously not happy.

I frowned, Knowing Zacky was with another women at the strip club. I should of known not to fall so easily.. I felt my heart start to ache, I didn't wanna cry in front of Brian, Or anyone else. I wanted everyone happy. No matter how much I bottled up inside.


I heard the bus door open and a few girls giggle, First, Johnny walked onto the bus with a beautiful girl with dark brown hair, Slim and about the same height as me. Second, Jimmy walked in with a tall brunette, A few inches taller than myself who was also beautiful. Third..I prayed Zacky didn't have a girl with him... I was wrong.. He walked onto the bus with a blonde bimbo,  She could be the cover of any magazine, She had everything I didn't. I knew it..I was just an opinion. I shouldn't have trusted him, I cringed as they walked further onto the bus as he brushed past me and went into the bunk area, Helping her up onto the bed as he climbed in after her, Tossing my stuff onto the floor.

Tears formed in my eyes, This was too much, My heart was hurting and broken. Why? Why me I thought, I walked over and picked my things up and packed them back into my bookbag.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me, I jumped, Looking down so I could identify who it was, Hugging me from behind. I turned around to meet a pair of beautiful brown eyes. Brian smiled a bit, Pulling me close to him.

"Don't waste your tears on him Mel, He isn't worth it.. I don't think he realizes what he's doing, He's drunk.. I'm pretty sure, But if he isn't...He's definitely missing out on a amazing girl..." He whispered, Wiping my tears away, Leading me to the kitchen area, But he turned around and pointed to the back lounge, I nodded as he laced out fingers together. When we walked in my sister gave me a look she's never gave me before...Evidence was leading her to suspense, First, I knew she could tell I was crying, Second, I was holding hands with Brain, Third, She knew something was up

                                                                           ~Lily’s P.O.V~
I sat there in disbelief. I couldn’t believe Jimmy had left! I couldn’t figure out why booze was more important than me all of a sudden! Here I thought He cared about me… Sighing, I got up and went to his bunk. Crawling in, I got myself comfortable, hoping that Jimmy would be back soon so I could ask him about it.
Eventually, I heard someone’s phone go off. Listening to the conversation, I gathered it was Jimmy and Johnny calling for Zacky. I poked my head out of the bunk to see what was going on. Zacky climbed out of his bunk, fancied himself up, and took off out the door. I heard him say something about going to pick the guys up from the store, but you didn’t need to get fancied up for that. And wait! They didn’t have a car here! What was going on?
I crawled back into the bunk. This was getting odd. Something was obviously going on. I didn’t like it. I was beginning to get a bad feeling about getting close to Jimmy. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it.
It wasn’t too much later that I heard yelling coming from the front of the bus. It sounded like Matt. Well, I guess I was about to find out what was going on. I was debating on going to the front of the bus to check things out, but I took too long to decide. Before I could get out of the bunk, I heard the door of the bus open and the sound of giggling girls. Really, now, what the hell was going on around here?!
I heard stuff get thrown. Usually not a good sign. I was still debating whether or not I should get out of the bunk or not when I saw Mel walking to the back of the bus, looking like she’d been crying and holding hands with… Brian?! Did I accidently take some drugs or something?! I have to be tripping! And it wasn’t a good one, either!

I decided things were getting too weird, so I got out of the bunk and made my way to the front of the bus. On the way, I couldn’t help but notice that Johnny had a female visitor. Lucky him! Then something caught my eye. Zacky was up in his bunk with a blonde tramp, half naked and completely wasted.
I was immediately pissed. That must have been why Melissa was crying! I immediately felt gratitude towards Brian for helping her. I would have to thank him later. But, right now, a pretty Italian head needed to roll. I braced myself, took a deep breath, and yelled with all my might. “ZACHARY JAMES BAKER! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING PLAYING MY SISTER?! HOW DARE YOU ACT LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT HER, ONLY TO TURN AROUND AND BRING THAT HERE AND FLAUNT HER IN HER FACE?! GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN HERE TO I CAN BEAT YOU TO DEATH!”
I literally scared everyone who was around with the sheer volume and anger of my voice. Zacky almost fell out of his bunk. I stood there, trying to catch my breath, not blinking and staring straight at Zacky. That is, until something else caught my eye. Jimmy was laying on the couch, a brunette bimbo on top of him.
My jaw hit the floor, and my eyes almost popped out of my head. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I shut my eyes, willing that, when I opened them, it would have been just my imagination. I opened them, and there they were, the chick all over Jimmy, who was staring at me, a smile on his face.
I felt like I was going to pass out. Jimmy had basically told me he loved me! Was he lying? Why was he with her?! Was it because I wouldn’t sleep with him after Johnny interrupted and she would? Or was it because she was easily ten times prettier than me? Or practically half my size?

Ideas and reasons why kept swirling around in my head. Eventually all I could do was burst into tears. I charged over to the couch and once again started screaming. “JIMMY! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! WHAT HAPPENED TO ‘I LOVE YOU’?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HER?!” I hid my face in my hands and cried my eyes out. Eventually, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.
I turned around and found myself in Matt’s arms. He gave me an apologetic look and pulled me into his arms. I buried my head in his chest and continued my pity party cry.
Jason stood up and took a deep breath. “Matt, go get Brian and Melissa from the back. We need to get this sorted out.” I scowled at Jimmy, Johnny, and Zacky.
Matt did as he was asked, but he wasn’t too happy about leaving me alone. He ran down the hallway to the back of the bus, collecting Brian and my sister, and ran back to me, once again holding me. Brian took his place next to Matt, holding Melissa in his arms.
Once we were all present, Jason continued to take charge. “Ok, whores out. Now.” Johnny tried to protest, but he was definitely shut down. “I SAID NOW, JOHNNY!” Everyone went silent and the girls were pretty much shoved out of the bus. “Now, what did I say about leaving the bus without permission? Especially for bringing girls back to the bus? I told you it wasn’t allowed! What were you thinking?! Oh, wait, you WEREN’T thinking!” He scowled at the guys in trouble. “So, all privileges for you three are now revoked. You definitely won’t be leaving the bus until we leave here. Understand?” The guys nodded, and we were dismissed.

I stayed with Matt pretty much the rest of the night, and we eventually ended up moving towards the back of the bus. Matt and Brian spent the night trying to cheer me up, but it wasn’t going anywhere. Just when they were about to give up, I noticed something that made my blood run cold. Mel was nowhere to be seen.
Panicked, I ran throughout the bus, searching everywhere for her. I couldn’t find any trace of her. My panic grew and grew, and I started shouting for her. Getting to the front of the bus, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar…
My baby sister ran away. She left me here, trying to escape the hurt. I turned around to face the rest of the bus and screamed bloody murder. Once everyone came running, I yelled, “MELISSA RAN OFF! MY BABY SISTER IS GONE!” This time, I actually did feint.



-Fallyn Gates & BeautifulBride!

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