Runaways~Chapter Eleven

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                                                                        ~Jimmy P.O.V~

I realized right away I’d screwed up. And badly at that. I saw Lily’s face when she saw me with the other girl. I don’t know why I told myself that she wouldn’t care. Probably because I was too selfish. I wanted to get laid, and she wasn’t going to. Wow, that’s even worse. I sat there on the couch, beating the crap out of myself mentally, waiting to be punished. The punishment was what I expected, but what hurt worse was seeing Matt with Lily. She was supposed to be with me! I could see one of the love bites I’d left on her neck earlier. She was marked! She was mine! But, I’d betrayed her. I looked down at the floor, ashamed of myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something curious. Looking up, I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. Mel was sneaking away, towards the door! This was strange! She never really went anywhere without Lily, so what was she up to? I saw her get to the door, give everyone one last sad look, and leave the bus. Oh, no. Not on my watch. I made sure that most people were occupied, before I got up and headed to the door myself. I was going to follow her, let her cool off, and bring her back to her sister.

I followed at quite a distance, making sure she wouldn’t see me, as she went into the very heart of Las Vegas. It seemed the girl actually knew her way around! But, it sounded like they’d been on their own for awhile, so they probably knew the city better than anyone. She looked completely distraught and stuck in her own thoughts. But, I watched closely as it looked like she made a hard decision. Wonder what she was thinking…

She changed directions on me, and I seemed to have lost her in the crowd. Panicked, I decided to keep walking and ask if people had noticed her. She was small and quiet, but she was wearing oversized clothes and kind of looked like a vagabond. I quickly hurried through the crowd, stopping random people and describing Mel. Soon I was back on her trail.

I finally found her on a side street, in front of a house. I hope she’s not doing what I think she’s doing… I watched as she slowly walked up to the house and went to knock on the door. I also saw another shadow come up behind her. It was a man! I heard him say, “Welcome back you little bitch!” as he put a bag over her head and shoved her off of the stairs. I saw her hit her head and fall unconscious. I started to run to save her. I was starting to see what the girls went through, and it wasn’t going to happen again!

I didn’t make it to her in time. A woman, who must have been the girls’ mom, opened the door of the house to let their father inside, with Mel’s limp body in his arms. They were taking her into a house of horrors! I made it over after her mother had closed and locked the door. I tried to force it open, but to no avail. Shit. What was I going to do now?! I had to get her out of there!

I was trying my best to think when I heard her scream.  I ran to the nearest window to the living room, but there was no one, just an open door. I dropped to the ground and peaked through the small window that revealed the basement. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I saw what was in their basement…

It was a torture chamber! There was a table in the middle, complete with straps to tie down the arms, legs, torso, and head. The wall was lined with tools, and there were whips, knives, and guns, as well. What the hell were these people?! How could they do this to their own children?!

I saw them enter the basement, Mel thrown over her father’s shoulder. She was struggling as much as she could, but her father held her tight as her mother went to a mini fridge that was located under a work bench. I saw her pull out a vial of liquid and a syringe. They were going to drug her!

I watched in horror as her mother shot the liquid into Mel’s arm, causing her to scream even more. Soon, though, she went limp, and she was tied to the table, seemingly in a stupefied state. I watched as her father lit a cigarette and burned her arms with it. Her mother started to hit her, and then went to the wall of torture devices. I knew that I had to find a way in when she grabbed a long hunting knife and turned back to Mel, a sadistic look on her face.

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