Night Before

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The realization that she might have given her number to the devil is slowly dawning on her. It started that night when they got home from Vegas. The 30 minute drive from the airport to her house earned her 10 unchecked texts from him.

9:30 pm: Just wanting to make sure you gave me the right number.
9:34 pm: You still driving?
9:38 pm: Are you purposely ignoring me?
9:50 pm: Is this really your number?
10:00 pm: I miss you!!😘😘😘
10:05 pm: Mendoza! Why are you ignoring me?
10:10 pm: Hey I'm starting to get worried.
10:20 pm: I really really miss you!
10:25 pm: Maine? Maine. Babe?
10:30 pm: I miss your scent. All strawberry, vanilla and lemony combo.

She wasn't able to check the texts until the day after because she spent that night with her son. Sebastian must've thought his mom is crazy cause when Maine saw him she literally ran to where he is, screaming 'BAAAAABBBBBBYYYYYY' and then hugged him so tight he had to protest.

When Maine checked her phone the next day, she saw the texts messages from RJ. As much as she tried otherwise, she couldn't help but feel flattered and a little touched by his texts. He really didn't waste any time did he? So she texted him back.

From Maine:
Faulkerson, I gave you this number so you can call me. Not to leave text messages that are a few minutes apart. And I'm not ignoring you . SMH.

She then put her phone to the side and went about her morning as usual. Sebastian is still sleeping so she has time to enjoy her coffee and watch a bit of morning news. As she was putting her dishes away, she heard her phone ringing. She ran to her bedroom to catch it before the ringing wakes her son. She was breathless by the time she answered "hello".

"Hey beautiful" RJ's voice on the other line.

"Hi! How are you?" she breathlessly responded back.

"Hhmmm, honestly? Im missing you."

Maine could feel herself blushing from that statement. Get a grip Maine! You're a fuckin 28 year old grown woman and you're blushing? Sheesh?

"Maine, why do you sound breathless?" RJ asked a bit too forcefully.

"Well, I was downstairs when my phone started ringing so I had to run up here to answer it" she answered.

"Hhhmmm I see. I thought for a minute you were doing something else."

"Like what?!? What would I be doing at 8:30 in the morning? Wait? Is that jealousy I hear? Are you perhaps thinking I'm doing the horizontal tango with someone else" she teased.

For an unknown reason, she felt comfortable enough to tease him about sex at this time. Huh! Go figure! He's not even your boyfriend Maine! For all you know, you're just another woman. Then she heard him answer.

"Fuck yeah I'm jealous! I want to be the only one who can make you breathless!" Well that shut her up! My god! The things that he says sometimes just leave her speechless.

"Oookkkkaayyyy. That went awkward quick" she states to fill the silence and they both ended up laughing.

"Listen Maine. I'm at the office now but can I call you again later?"

"Of course. Be nice to your patients Dr. Faulkerson. Don't flirt with any of them even if they try hard to flirt with you" she reminded with a laugh.

"You're the only woman I'm willing to flirt with, Mendoza so take that thought out of your mind."

Again, speechless Maine but this time with a huge grin plastered on her face.
"Call you later" and he was gone.

Damn that man! What the fuck is he trying to do to me? I'm behaving like a teenager around him. Shit! Oh god. I really have to tell him about our son. He deserves to know. And just like that, she turned somber. She was on her way downstairs when she heard the little pitter patter of Sebastian's feet as he left his room. He spied his mom and called sleepily "Mama" and stretched out his arms to be picked up. It's amazing how he looks so much like RJ. No wonder her sisters knew in an instant that RJ is the father as soon as they saw him. Which left Maine wondering if RJ would know as well when he sees his son. It would be so much easier for her if that happened because then she wouldn't have to put it into words. She's never been one to back out from fights or arguments or anything but in this case, she is admittedly a coward. Maybe because she is a little more emotionally involved with RJ that she would like to admit. There is still that fear of the unknown. What if RJ doesn't believe that Sebastian is his son? But what if he does and he would file for custody because God knows he can. What if he's not ready to be a father? What if Sebastian doesn't like him? So many what ifs but when it boils down to it, her sisters are right. RJ deserves to know of his son's existence and what he does after is on him. Ugh! What have I gotten myself into?

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