Seems Everyones Being Sexist

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Aries POV

I scouted the area but saw no clues.
"Damnit!" I muttered we'd had once again lost our tracks.
I checked my phone again to see if I had any reception but we had no such luck.
"What if we don't find her?" Virgo said still freaking out.
"We will don't worry." Sag said trying to comfort her. Then we heard a twig snap instantly we were all on guard in fighting stances. I looked around the clearing trying to see any sign of life. Then we heard a human cry and about 10 huge burly men came charging at us 5. Bet you if Aqua was here she'll say something about how sexist it is that it's just men trying to capture us. Damnit I can't get distracted! I punched the first one in the face and he stumbled back a little surprised. The other one tried to tackle me to the ground. I kicked him in his jewel and he doubled over clutching that place groaning in pain. I then ran at the man and jumped on his back pressing that area on the throat that makes someone pass out. I just about succeeded when backup came running out of the undergrowth. I was thrown off the man and pinned to the ground a cloth pressed to my face. Don't breathe in. Don't breath in. I chanted in my head. One of the men punched in the stomach and I gasped inhaling the chlorophyll before long I was out of it, everything went black. In my last moments of consciousness I saw that all my friends had already been knocked out.

Leo's POV

No one knew how to react to this news. Had the others also been captured? Was Libra alright? Aquaruis had finally calmed down and was probably calculating what to do in her head.
"Guys we have to go after them." She finally said.
"Of course we have to go after them! But where do we start?" Scorpio said.
"I have a idea." Cancer said, "Aqua can I borrow your phone?" She quickly handed her phone over and Cancer was sitting there for five minutes typing and tapping.
"Bingo!" He exclaimed and showed us the screen that now showed the location that the caller had rung from.
"Well what are we waiting for!" I exclaimed, "let's go!"
"Okay let's!" Aqua said as she was about to run out the door.
Taurus and Gem stood in front of the doorway and shook their heads at her.
"You're not going Aqua." Gem said.
"What? You can't stop me!" She exclaimed.
"Aqua its not safe the others have already been captured."
"Exactly! You can't expect me to just sit around when all my friends are being kidnapped!" She yelled. Taurus pushed Cancer and I out the door before pushing Gemini out and quickly shutting the door. Gem then quickly locked it.
"Unlock the door!" Aqua yelled from the other side of the door.
"Sorry Aqua!" I yelled and we all ran outside to the garage before all climbing into one and using the GPS on Aquas phone to find the place everyone was getting held hostage in.

Aquaruis' POV

I slumped down onto the ground using the door for support. They locked me in here claiming it wasn't safe for me to go. How sexist is that?! Just because im a girl and that 'girls' are always the dasmals in distress not the hero infact its heroine. Then I glanced at the window a plan already forming in my head. I grabbed blankets, clothes and the curtains and tied them all together to create a rope before tying one end to the sturdy curtain pole thing and chucking the rest out the window. I took a deep breath as I looked at the height I had to climb down from.
"You can do this." I whispered to myself and I gripped the makeshift rope in my hands and started to climb down.
Here I come wether or not you want me to.
I finally reached the ground and I ran into the garage to grab the last car. Luckily Aries has installed a tracking device in all the cars so if you ever get lost or separated from the other cars you can just track them. I put the key in the ignition and started up the engine.
I needed to figure out a plan as I was driving.

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