Camping part lll

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Aries pov

I couldn't help but notice how weird Taurus was being it was just so out of character for him.  He was like my big brother we'd grown up together and were quite close.
I knocked on the door to the room he was sleeping in.
"Who is it?" He answered in a gruff tone.
"Its Aries can I come-" i was cut off "I don't want to talk right now." Taurus snapped.  I ignored him and pushed my way into his room.
"Aries for fucks sake don't you get the message I don't want to talk." He snapped.
"Well I'm not leaving till I figure out what the hell has you acting this way." I snapped right back at him. I was being stubborn.

"Aries you don't need to know every single aspect of my life!" He thundered.
"Stop acting like a fucken child Taurus. Its annoying everyone! Theyre all sick of it just grow up!" I thundered back at him.
"You're telling me to grow the fuck up how about you tell Gemini to fucken grow up!"
He yelled his fists clenched then he threw a punch at the wall his breathing was deep.
"So all this is to do with Gemini?" I asked
"Yes! For fucks sake Aries just go away!" Taurus yelled right at me.  This time I actually listened and left though.  Thinking to myself what did Gemini do to piss Taurus off so much?

Geminis POV

I walked past Taurus's room and heard him yelling at Aries.  I grinned my plan had worked perfectly and now I'll probably get the girl too. 

"Pay up!" Leo sang as he walked towards while I was sitting by the lake.
"Huh?" I said confused.
"Remember that deal we made?"  Leo sang once again then I clicked.
"You got a girlfriend?" I raised a eyebrow.
"Yup." Leo said popping the p I sighed and got up.
"Come with me I have the money in my room."
We walked to my room leo the whole time talking about Libra.  I groaned as he went on about how beautiful she is for like the 25th time in the last five minutes.  I handed Leo the money and shooed him out of my room.  Then from next door I heard the most beautiful laugh and I smiled in content in hearing it.
"Thanks Virgo!" She called as she left Virgos room next door.
"No problem Aqua! Don't forget to ask the boys to collect firewood for the campfire tonight seeing as tonights out last night here!" Aqua laughed
"I'm not that forgetful Vi!" Then she walked away I automatically missed her voice, I missed her laughed, I missed her.  I wanted her no I needed her.  I just needed to get her before Taurus.

Ohhhhhhhh drama things are getting heated. You guys probably hate me but yolo!

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