drunk words are sober thoughts

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Taurus POV

I took a deep breath and knocked on her door I frowned and pushed open the door. Empty bottles of beer littered the ground.
"Aqua." I whispered and a drunk giddy looking Aqua jumped on top of me.
"Taurie!!!!" She squealed and giggled.
I was actually shocked she was drunk.  Why was she drunk?
"Aqua?" She giggled. "I like it when you say my name Taurie." My heart swelled when she said that.
"Aqua you don't mean that you're drunk." I said then she boped my nose and shook her head.
"Drunk words are sober thoughts!" She sang.
"Dance with me." She pulled my arm and then tripped I caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Aqua why are you drunk?" I asked her hoping I'll get a proper answer.
"Why not be drunk?" I frowned trying to make sense of her words.

"Taurie?" She then whispered I looked down into her blue eyes but it wasn't until now I saw the tiny swirls of green in them.
She started to hiccup and giggled every time she hiccupped.  I was in love with her but I couldn't bring myself to say it to express my feelings to her.
There was silence and I thought she was asleep then she murmured very quietly I almost didn't catch it.
"I love you Taurie." I wasn't sure if it was a trick of my imagination or she'd actually said the words I'd been wanting to hear for what felt like a lifetime.

I softly pulled her bed covers back and placed her gently down and placed her covers over her small frame.  I watched her for a little while and fell even more in love when I found out she twitches her nose in her sleep and softly snores.  I kissed her forehead.
"I love you Aqua." I whispered and before I closed her door I looked back over at her sleeping form and I smiled a pure smile not a fake smile.

Aquas POV

I rubbed my temples as I searched through the cupboards for some aspirin.  My hang over was killing me I don't even know why I even got drunk.  Or what I did when I was drunk? I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing.
"Ugh! Where the hell is the Aspirin?!"
Then a arm reached up above me and grabbed a box down from the highest shelf.
"Oh my god thank you!" I hugged Taurus.
"You're welcome shorty." He laughed and ruffled my hair.
I popped a couple of pills out and put them in my mouth before I chased them down with a glass of water.

"How you feeling?" Taurus asked
"Fine I just have a headache." I rubbed my temples again and I caught Taurus staring at me from out of the corner of my eye.
"I'll see you around!" I called to Taurus as I walked outside only to run into leo and libra.
"Aqua! You have to come with us!" They both exclaimed
"To a school dance committee! We could value your help with the prom!"
"Guys we haven't even gone to school since it started so how ate you on committees?" I asked getting a little confused.
"Cancer and Virgo pulled a few strings."
"Oh yeah were going to school tomorrow!"
Ugh great school.  Another drama filled place I sighed only a couple more years left though. I said to myself.

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