besties, games and man candy

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I bounded into my room and threw my bags on the floor and started jumping on the bed giggleing.
"Well I wasn't expecting this." Said a girl laughing at the door.
"You must be my roommate!" I exclaimed happily.
She laughed and nodded.
"Yeah I'm Virgo." She smiled her green eyes twinkling and she then tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear.
"I'm Pisces." I laughed and I pulled Virgo into hug.
"Were going to besties I can just tell!" I shouted.
"Haha sure whatever you say hun." She laughed.
There was a lot little tune and glanced around the room.
"Everyone is to come to the sitting room at once." A voice said.
I grabbed Virgos arm and dragged her out the door.
"Come on Virgo let's go!" I said excitedly.
"You know where the sitting room is?" Virgo asked. I stopped.
"Please tell me you know where it is." Virgo begged.
I sheepishly smiled. Virgo groaned.
"Pi!" She exclaimed "we're lost now."
"No its an adventure now!" I laughed and dragged Virgo down another hallway.

Leo's POV
"Damn." I said as I looked around and tried to find my room. I walked down a hallway and finally came across my room. A boy was lounging on a couch playing GTA and yelling at a TV.
"Yo bro took you long enough." The guy said glancing away from the game at me.
"Dude can you move your arse so I can play." I said
He smirked then patted the seat and put on Minecraft.
"Your going down."
"Pssshhhh good luck I'm pro at minecraft. I'm Leo by the way."
"Gemini." Said Gemini.

Then the was a tune.
"What the fuck." Gemini said.
"Everyone is to come to the sitting room at once." A voice said over a speaker.

"How the fuck are we meant to know where the sitting room is?" I said.
"We didn't get a fucking map for Christ sake." Gemini said.
Then I smirked "wanna play a game?" I asked.
I obviously perked Gem's interest.
"What kind of game?"
"Well this is obviously where all the dorms are for the guys but is it the same for the girls are?"
Gem shrugged his shoulders.
"Well if you get a girl before me I'll give you $200." I said.
"I'm in." He said straight away and we fist busted.

Sagittarius POV

I managed to find my way to the sitting room thanks to my good sense of direction. I went and sat next to the two girls that were already in the room.
"Hi um can I sit here?" I said as I stood there awkwardly.
"Sure!" The blonde said excitedly.
"I'm Sagittarius." Introduced myself to the girls.
"Omg you're so gorgeous!" The blonde gushed. I blushed.
"Thanks! You are too!" I complimented her back.
"In Libra and this is Aqua." The other girl had aqua colored hair.
"Your hair is so cool! And it matches your name!" I said.
"Awwwww thanks! But Aqua is just a nickname my names Aquaruis." She said smiling at me.
"Aqua!" Libra nudged her.
"What?" Aquaruis laughed.
"Woah." Libra suddenly said.
"What?" Aqua and I said in usion.
"There's some man candy over there but don't look now." Libra whispered. Pretty much ignoring what Libra just said Aqua and I turned our heads. There was a boy who had just walked in he had black hair and his eyes looked like molten gold with some chocolate mixed in. He wore a leather jacket and was just slouching taking in everything. He looked like the typical bad boy.
"I told you not to look!" Libra said a little too loudly causing the guy to look over at us and he caught us staring.
"Well we couldn't help it." Aqua giggled.
"Hes hot but he seems like bad news." I stated.
"Why would you think that?" Libra asked. I shrugged.
"I just get a feeling."

Scorpio POV

I looked over at the girls that were staring at me before and came to the conclusion that the blonde one seemed the type to be into fashion and makeup, the brunette looked like she had a firey side and the one with blue hair I wasn't too sure about. I decided to figure everyone out and not let anyone get close to me.

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