Dressing Up As Ladies?!

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Gemini's POV

"How the hell are we meant to get in there?!" I exclaimed from our hideout the compound was heavily guarded with all out security measures.

"We're going to need a distraction." Taurus stated and he looked at me.
"Up for it?" He asked knowing full well that I'll be in.
"Hell yeah!" I whispered yelled.
We quickly highfived.

"Cancer are you able to get a floor layout?" Scorpio whispered to Cancer.
He held up a finger signaling us to give him a second.
"I'm in!" He cheered. We all looked at Aquas phone which Cancer still had. There was a layout out of the compound.
"I think theyre be getting held here." Leo said pointing to a spot on the screen that was labeled 'experiment subject quarters'.
"We'll also have to sreach their labs." I said.

"Okay let's do this." Taurus said as he passed me a pile of clothes. Which included a dress and wig.
"This is so cliche." The other boys laughed as Taurus and I each put on our clothes.
"We will never speak of this." I muttered to the boys who all nodded their heads in agreement.

Virgos POV

I groaned and pried my eyes open.
"What? Where am I?" I panicked.
"V-virgo?" I heard a shakey voice but there was no one to be seen.
I squeezed my eyes shut. This is just a dream. This is just a dream. I chanted in my head I was going to wake up in my bed. This is all just a dream.
"Virgo?", the voice said again this time a little stronger I recognized it as Pisces.
"Pisces?" I whispered, "is that you?"
"Its me?" She called.
"Are you alright?!" I heard a groan of pain.
"Just in a little pain." She whimpered. I glanced around the room I was being held hostage in, it was made purely out of concrete with a door that had a small barred window. I groaned "how are we going to get out of here?" I groaned.
Before Pisces could answer two burly men came barging into the room. I shrunk down close to the wall making myself as small as I possibly could. The two men each grabbed one of my arms and started to drag me out of the room.

I struggled against them.
"Let go!" I screamed i was making a huge commotion screaming and trying to free myself but their grip on me never faltered once. They carried on dragging me down pristine white halls. I finally gave up and let my body go limp making me a dead weight.

They stopped at a door and kicked it open while still holding me firm before strapping me down to a bench. A man was standing with a tray by me I felt automatic distaste at the guy.
The men who dragged me from my prison left and another man entered wearing a white lab coat.
"Well Virgo its a pleasure to met you." He said and smiled at me I just glared at him.
"What do you want?" I said gritting my teeth.
He chuckled "I want to know what makes you special." He said.
"What did you do to Pisces?" I said getting annoyed.
"Oh nothing", he smiled. He had the nerve to smile at me!
He grabbed a syringe and squited a little out then he jabbed it into my arm. I let out a hiss of pain. "What is that-"
He pushed the too down injecting the clear liquid into my body.
Everything went numb, my eyesight became blurry and I tasted a metallic taste in my mouth. I tried to speak but I couldn't move my tongue or jaw. All my limbs were paralyzed.

Capricorn's POV

I lifted my head up and glared at my torturer ever since my body had rejected the injection that, that man tried to inject into me I had been getting tortured.
Why? I had no idea.
"Had enough boy?" My torturer teased and I spat at him.
He yanked my hair and pulled my head up.
"Are you going to talk? Or do we need another technique?" He hissed spit flying in my face.
"Tell you what!" I screamed.
"You know what we want to know boy and if we don't get anything out of you we'll start on her." My torturer pointed to an unconscious Sagittarius shackled to the wall opposite me.
"If you touch her I will personally kill you." I hissed my torturer chuckled.
"Got a soft spot for the girl aye?" He kicked me in the stomach and I groaned in pain.
Why were they doing this?


Heyyyy wattpadders! How are you today?
Please don't hate me haha.
Will they all get out???

Cheerio darlings!

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