Detentions and Simba

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Aquas POV

I walked into the classroom after school and saw I was the first or only one here. 5 minutes later Taurus walked in and my heart skipped a beat. No I told myself sternly you can't develop feelings for anyone.
He came and sat by me and offered my a smile. I weakly gave one back.
"What are you in here for?" He whisper yelled to me. Ms Parker was already sleeping so I saw no point in whispering.
"I took the blame for Aries."
"You always seem to do that." He laughed.
"Well if I didn't she would've been kicked out of school a long time ago." I laughed too.
"Why were you late to class today?" I asked as curiosity kicked in.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Coach wanted to talk to me about trying out for the football team."
"Really?! You should go to the tryouts you're amazing at football."
He just shook his head and laughed. "I'm not that good."
I stared at him my mouth agape he can't really think he's bad .
"What?" He laughed "you're catching flies Aqua."
I just shook my head and grabbed his hand pulling him put of the classroom.
"What about detention?" He asked and I turned to face him
"Ms Parker loves me and she knows I never do anything wrong so I just need to show up but I don't have to stay." I grinned and carried on pulling him through the halls until we were outside on the field. "Aqua! Wait up!" I carried on running pumping my little legs as much and hard and fast. And before long Taurus had caught up and he swept me up into his strong arms.
I felt so small with him holding me but I felt safe.
"You're so small." He chuckled
"I wish I was tall." I groaned
"But then I wouldn't be able hold you like this." He pouted and I giggled.
"Can you please put me down?" I asked.
"Are you going to run away again?"
"I can't make any promises." I laughed
"Then nope I can't put you down." He said popping the p .
"Aww come on aren't your arms getting sore?" I teased.
"Nope." He said again

I groaned and flung my head back.
"Woah woah there Aqua you don't want to hit your neck."
"My neck will be fine don't baby me ugh. I swear your arms must at least be getting sore now."
"I need to get to the pet store!" I started to panic I had completely forgotten about the darling little baby that was waiting for me.
"I'll give you a ride Aqua don't worry."

Taurus POV
It was amazing with her in my arms she was so small I just wanted to cradle her in my arms forever. I put down on the passenger seat I was unsure of why we were going to the pet store.
As soon as I pulled up at the pet store Aqua bounded out. So much for not running away anymore. I jogged and caught up to her as she entered the shop when I entered she was nowhere to be found. Then a few minutes later she came out with a chocolate brown Labrador dog and was grinning like a little kid on Christmas.
"He's adorable." I cooed and she laughed.
"Yeah, yeah he is come on let's get him home." She grabbed my hand .
"We're taking him home?"
She nodded and cooed at the dog.
"I can't wait to get you home Simba." I smiled
"Isn't simba from the loin king?" I asked.
She laughed her eyes shining "yeah." She softly said them Simba started yapping. Aquaruis cuddled him to her chest and he let out a little yawn his eyes starting to close.
"You're such a little cutie." She murmured.
When we pulled up at home I smiled in the dark at the beautiful girl standing in front of me a small dog cradled in her arms.
And it was then I realized I had fallen and I was in too deep to turn back now.

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