Glitter Fight

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Taurus POV

Aqua, Libra, Cap, Cancer and I were playing a game of twister when Sagittarius came into the lounge cover in pink glitter.  Pink glitter?
"What the?" I said and while I was distracted I fell down.
"Guys..Pisces...Leo..Glitter." She said while trying to catch her breath.
"Huh? Come again?" Cap said.
"She said Pisces got glitter and then Leo stole some cause sag took a picture to post online and now there's a glitter war." Aqua said matter of factly.
"Wow how did you know?" Sag said
"I know all." Aqua said I'm a creepy voice.
"Please never do that voice again." Libra said.
"Aww why not Lib?" She pouted.
"Guys!" Cancer shouted "Pisces is coming we need to hide!"
"No." I said "we need to run and try to find some amo. Split up into pairs." I straight away took Aquas arm and Libra paired up with Cancer while Sag paired up with Cap.
"Okay guys go!" I shouted I tugged Aqua along with me.
"Where are we going?!" Aqua yelled.
"Basement! There must be some glitter there with the art supplies!" I yelled back.
We made it down to the basement.
"I'll look over here." Aqua called and she ran over to look on the other side of the basement. 
"Bingo!" I said when I found a some tubes of glitter.
"What colour?" Aqua asked as she looked over my shoulder.
"There's yellow, orange, purple, blue, green and black."
"I want the blue!" Aqua said and I couldn't help grinning.
I passed her the blue, purple and green glitter while I took the black, orange and yellow.

"Stick close by me okay?" I whispered to Aqua as we crept through the house looking for signs of or enemies.  Suddenly Aqua tripped over a string I caught her.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah fine." She whispered.
Then all of a sudden we were ambushed by pink glitter.  We fought back using one of our tubes each and when it cleared we saw Cap and Sag.
"You betrayed us! Whyyyyy?" Aqua said in mock pain.
"Every man for themselves!" Cap yelled as he and and Sag ran away.
"I'm a woman!" Aqua called after them and I chuckled.  The pink glitter clashed with her blue hair and it was all over her skin.I grabbed her hand.
"Come on let's go outside and see if we can find anyone to attack."
Aqua and I grinned evilly at each other and ran outside.
I saw a head of back hair and gestured to it. Aqua nodded and we snuck up on our victims and tipped glitter on them.
"I'm going to kill you both!" Aries yelled as we both ran away laughing.
"What?"Then aqua tipped glitter on me. "Hey!" I shouted as she ran away.
"Like sag said every man for themselves!"
I heard a squeal and heard Libra scream.

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