Fraggle Rock

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Aquarius' POV

I flopped onto the double bed that was pristine white. I sighed and started to daydream until 'Hotel Ceiling' came on.
"How ironic." I muttered seeing as I'm staring at a hotel ceiling.
"Why was I looking forward to this?" I wondered out loud, "I have nothing here." I whispered as tears pricked in my eyes. I then swung my my legs over the side of the bed as I did so I felt a sharp pain in my my head. I gasped at the pain then my head flew to my head to massage my temple. I then popped two Advil in my mouth and swallowed them dry.
"Hopefully when I get home I'll hear some good news." I whispered just as i fell asleep.


I got into my rented car to go around and see all the changes to my hometown, as I hadn't been here for a few years. Then my ringtone went off.
"Hello?" I answered not checking the caller ID.
"Aqua." Sagittarius breathed on the other side of the line by the sound of her sniveling I knew she'd been crying.
"Sag? What's wrong?" I asked concern laced my tone.
"I-i can't do it. I can't leave him." Hearing my friend like this broke my heart.
"Sag you don't have to get on the plane, but maybe a week home would do you good."
"Aqua I can't leave him, I just can't."
"Sag do whatever your heart tells you to do." I wasn't the best at giving advice to people.
"Aqua I've got to go." She said her voice thick, "okay bye Sag." I said softly as she hung up.

I started the car and started to drive around the little town when I went past my old primary school I smiled at the memories that resurfaced and for a short blissful moment I smiled a genuine smile. I then drove past the park, the netball courts, the take away shop, all the shops on the main road until I turned down a road I didn't mean to turn down it was just natural instincts.
I pulled up to a gray colored bungalow with a overgrown flower bed, two young children a boy and girl chasing each other. I then smiled another smile even though my eyes were brimming with tears.
"Its still the same." I whispered as I carried on driving this time pulling into Libra's driveway.

I knocked on the door and Libras fifteen year old brother Bradley answered.
"Hey Aqua!" He smiled a bright smile.
"Hey Fraggle Rock!" I smiled as I ruffled his hair.
Bradley let me into the house,the first thing I smelled was the smell of something burning. "Lib is in the kitchen!" He yelled as he ran upstairs.
"Gosh this isn't going to turn out well if she's cooking."
I cautiously stepped into the kitchen where Libra was rushing around like a mad woman.

A pot was boiling over, smoke was everywhere in other words it was a complete and utter disaster.
"Libra!" I yelled as the smoke alarm went off and she started flapping a tea towel about. I quickly turned off the oven and the stove.
"Gosh Lib what a mess you've made." I laughed.
"I just wanted to cook something." I laughed and pulled my friend into a hug.
"Next time call me okay?"
Libra laughed, "okay I'll be sure to next time Aqua."
"Come on let's clean this up." I smiled.


"Great! Aqua you're a maricle worker!" Bradley said as he walked into the now clean kitchen.
"Trust me Brad she knows." Libra laughed.
"You two are too sweet!" I laughed.
"Hey Aqua let's watch a movie!" Libra exclaimed.
"I want to choose!" Bradley yelled.
"No! I'm choosing!"
"You'll choose a dumb chick-flick!"
"Well you'll choose a dumb action movie!"
I shook my head at the two siblings bickering and smiled.
"Why doesn't Aqua choose?" Bradley then said.
"I'm fine with whatever." I said.
"Ahw come on Aqua choose!" Libra pushed.
"Fine." I gave in and tried to think of a movie all three of us would enjoy. Yeah I couldn't think of any.
"Um the lion king?" I asked hopefully.
"I should've known." Libra groaned.
"The lion king it is!" Bradley said and then we all went into the lounge.
"Bradley get some popcorn." Libra said as she put the disk in the player.
"Ugh fine." Bradley groaned and came back soon with a bowl of popcorn. The movie started and as the song 'can you feel the love tonight' came on I started to feel sick.
"Libra I'm just going to use your bathroom." I whispered as I got up, Libra nodded her head not taking her eyes off the screen.

I rushed to the bathroom my head spinning I felt like I was going to vomit my eyesight became blurry and gripped the edge of the sink tightly, before long the dizzy spell was gone and I focused on evening out my breathing before long I felt completely fine. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I ran into Bradley.

"Aqua are you alright?" He asked concern clear in both his tone and his eyes.
"Yeah fine." I said quietly.
"You look a little pale. Are you sure?" He said.
I offered him a weak smile, "I'm sure, I'm going to head home now Fraggle Rock, say bye to Lib for me." I quickly pulled him into a hug and ran out to my rented car I drove back to my hotel and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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