After Party

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Scorpios POV

Music was blasting and red solo cups were everywhere.  People were passed out already and tipsy people vomiting everywhere.  I scrunched my nose in distaste before grabbing a grabbing a drink for myself.  I quickly finished it and reached for another, before long I was drunk.
"Hey." A pretty brunette smiled at me I smirked.
"Hey beautiful." I winked at het and she giggled.
"Wanna dance?"
"Sure." I placed my cup down and she lead me towards the dancefloor. 
We danced close together for a few songs before me in my drunk haze kissed her.  She kissed back I deepened the kiss by slipping my tongue in her mouth.  My tongue had to fight with hers for dominance.
I heard a gasp and pulled away from the girl to see Aries standing there tears brimming in her eyes.  I was shocked why was she upset about me kissing another girl? We weren't a couple. A tear slipped down her face then she ran away.  I don't know what came over me I ran after her.  Pushing through the crowd on the dance floor, but my attempts were in vain I'd lost sight of her.  Finally getting through the crowd I ran up to her room.  When I opened the door she wasn't there.
What had I done?

Geminis POV

I decided to stay sober for this party.  Yeah I know I was the one throwing it and I was meant to be celebrating but alcohol just didn't appeal to me at the moment.

I was looking out for a certain blue haired girl but I saw no sign of her so far. 
"Hey sexy." A girl slurred as she trailed her hand up my arm.  I looked at her sleazy outfit and felt disgust towards the girl.  I pushed her away from me.  She stumbled away to probably try her 'charms' on some other guy.

I walked into the kitchen to see if Aqua was in there.  I bumped into someone I opened my mouth to apologize but then I saw who it was.  I clenched my jaw as Taurus glared at me.
"Watch where you're going." He said and started to stalk away.  I couldn't believe I would have to work with him to come up with game plans i would happily work with anyone on the team but him.  We probably wouldn't even come up with a game plan we'll probably on argue the whole time.  He did my bloody head in, it was then that I grabbed a drunk and flipped it down before grabbing another.
"Calm down there Gem." A soft voice said behind me I turned a goofy grin on my face.
"Aqua! Darling how's life?" She shook her head and laughed.
"Its great! Congratulations on becoming captain." She smiled.
"Thanks!" I said. "Do you want to dance?" I offered and she took my outstretched hand.
"I would love to." I lead her out to the dance floor and placed my hands around her waist and hers were on my shoulders.  I chuckled as she struggled to keep with the flow of my movements due to my tallness and how short she was.
"Stand on my feet." I said and she gladly took my offer.
"Being short sucks you know." She said I laughed.
"I think its cute how short you are." She smiled at me.
"Aqua?" I asked her.
"Yeah?" She answered staring up at me.
"Do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked hopefully.
She quietly laughed "sure Gem I would love to go on a date with you." 
"Are you free Friday night?" I asked.
"I'll make sure to keep my calendar clear." She promised.
Inside I was jumping with joy.  I was just so happy! She'd actually agreed to go on a date with me! Today was just going amazing who would've thought that I would have this much luck in one day! For once things were going my way.

Zodiac Signs (A Novel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora