Pisces Idea

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Pisces POV

I combed my fingers through my hair and quickly braided it into a French braid.  I then grabbed my swim suit and made my way over to the pools for a little alone time.  I changed into my neon green swim suit and got into the spa pool I shut my eyes and started to relax then a great idea came to my mind!
I called everyone to the sitting room.
"Okay so guys I had a brain wave."
Gemini fake gasped "the baby had a brain wave." He cooed.  Aries hit him.  "Do you ever stop being a jerk?"
"Do you ever stop being a bitch?" He mocked her.
"Guys stop." Cancer said calmly.
They stopped.
"So as I was saying yes I had a brainwave." I carried on.
"We should go camping!" I said excitedly.
"I mean if you want to.." I trailed off.
"We'll vote on it." Aries said.
"Who's wants to go camping?" Aries asked.  Aries, taurus, cancer, cap, gem, Leo, sag, aqua and I put our hands up.
"That's 9 out of 13!! Yayyyy were going!" I said happily and I started dancing around the room with Virgo though she didn't seem too happy.
"Ugh why do we have to go camping?" Libra moaned
"Come on Lib it'll be fun!" Aqua said to Libra.
"There'll be no makeup, no electricy and we'll have to sleep in tents how is that fun?" Libra said.
"Oh lighten up Libra for fucos sake." Leo snapped sick of her moaning.
"Ahhhh I'm on swearing detox blah blah blah blah blah blah!" I screamed.
"What is she on about?" Scorpio said for the first time joining the conversation.
"She's not allowed to swear or hear anyone swearing." Aqua said.
"Seriously how do you do that?" Sag said.
"I told you I know all." Aqua said.  Then I ran up and hugged Scorpio.
"Can someone get her off me?" scorpio said.  No one made any moves and just carried on their conversations.

Taurus's POV

I thought camping was a great idea we all needed an outing and it was perfect! I was in my room packing when Cap came in panting.
"Taurus can we talk?"
"Sure bud what's up."
"I think i like someone.." Cap trailed off.
"Think?" I asked.
"Well .I'm just not sure you know?" He said I nodded my head in understanding.
"Oh yeah you should ask Aqua out."
I stood there shocked then I recovered.
"Were just friends Cap."
"Yeah sure whatever."
He said and he started packing his stuff too.  I carried on making sure I had ever.
"Hey cap?"
"Hmm?" Cap said
"Who do you like?" Capricorn blushed.
"Really? I'm pretty sure she likes you too man." I assured him.
"Nah why would she like a loser like me?"
"You're not a loser Cap."
"Whatever." He muttered.

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