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Pisces POV

"Omg!" Erika gushed, "you've grown so much Pi!" She then crushed me into a tight hug, I squeezed her back.
"You're still as perfect as ever!" I exclaimed as we pulled away.
"Aw stop it!" We then linked our arms together and walked into the house.
"Look what the cat dragged in." My dad chuckled seeing me.
"Dad!" I exclaimed crushing him into a hug.
"Hello love." My mum smiled as I hugged her also giving her a squeeze.
"Where's Tom?" I asked frowning my parents shared a look.
"He's not exactly feeling well." My mum explained, I raised a eyebrow.
"He's not well enough to say hi?" I questioned out loud that was so unlike Thomas.

I ran up to his room, and heated music pounding on speakers, vibrating the floor underneath me.
"Tommy?" I called while knocking on his door.
"I don't wanna talk Erika!" He called from inside.
"Tom its me, Pi." I called and I heard the music get turn down and the door being unlocked.
It then opened a crack a blue eye pecking out of the crack.
"Pi? You're back?" I hear him say.
"Yeah. Please open the door Tom." I said I wanted to get to the bottom of this.
He opened the door and my eyes widened he'd changed so much.
He'd gone from the sweet boy that wore bright colorful tees and pants to all black clothes with piercings.  I was shocked it was such a drastic change.
He must've taken my expression the wrong way because his smiled dropped and it turned into a stony look.
"Let me guess you're judging me." He said irritation clear in his tone.
"What?, No!"
"Cut the crap Pisces you are, that's all everyone does these days." He spat like he was revolted.
"Tom no I'm not judging-" I tried to talk again.
"That's what Mum, Dad and Erika said but they're ashamed by me they thing I'm a disgrace, a embarrassment." He cut me off again clearly infuriated.

"Tom I would never think that you're my brother I'll love you either way." Then it was his turn to frown.
"They haven't told you?" He then asked all anger gone dismay now lacing his tone.
"Haven't told me what?" I questioned confused.
His expression turned to one of rage again, "How dare they keep it from you."
"Keep what from me?" I cocked my head to the side.  Who was hiding something from me? What was being hidden by me?

He pulled me roughly into his room and I hesitantly sat down on his unmade bed.
"Tom please explain." I pleaded as he paced back and forth.
Then after a moment he gave a huge sigh and sat down next to me.
"Pi." He said softly, "I don't know how to tell you this or even if I should tell you." He said giving me a skeptical look.
"Just tell me Tom." I said lightly touching his shoulder, how bad could it be?

"Pi, it will change everything and well its difficult. I don't know how you'll take it and I won't be able to stand the look of betrayal or devastation on your face."
I gulped it really can't be that bad that it'll upset me right?
"Tommy, just tell me remember no secrets?" I said thinking back us pinky promising to always tell each other everything and never abandon one another.
He gave another huge heaping sigh.
"Pi you're adopted." He said quietly.
"W-what?" I stammered feeling my eyes start to itch as I held back my tears that threatened to fall, my lip trembling as I struggled to hold them back.
"Pi they should've told you." He said pulling me into a hug and I buried my head into his shoulder sobbing.
Why did they keep this from me we'd always been so open there was never any secrets.
"Are you adopted Tommy?"
He stiffened before relaxing his body again, "Yeah Pi." He said, "yes I am."
"No she's not Pi, that's why you and I never looked like them."
"How did you find out?" I whispered.
"Erika started arguing with them one night about I eavesdropped and found out then the next morning they told me."
"Then why didn't they tell me?" I whispered.

Okie dokie sorry I'm not updating as oftenOhhh bombshell there poor Pisces :(
Anyways love you all!

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