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Aries POV

"I can't believe that they would do something that stupid." I muttered my anger clear in my voice as stormed up the stairs the rest of the Bora-Bora group behind me.  In guessing they didn't really want to get my anger turned onto them.

"Gemini! Virgo! Pisces! Capricorn!" I hissed at them as I saw them sitting at the table in the dining room. Their heads were bowed.
"Were sorry we didn't know it would happen-" virgo started.
I felt like ripping my hair out.
"Sorry? Your sorry?" I said my voice coming out surprisingly calm.  I saw Pisces gulp and Capricorn look sort of scared.
"Yes were sorry." All four of them said in usion.
"You're sorry for getting fucken arrested?" Then I smiled at them "I knew I could make a rebel out of you three Gemini I'm not surprised about though." I said laughing

They all let out a breath of air they were holding in then I turned on my heel went up to my room and started unpacking all me stuff.

Sag came running in and flopped onto her bed.
"Oh I missed you!" She said.
"Aw thanks I missed you too!" I said.
She raised one of her eyebrows at me. "I was talking to my bed..." I rolled my eyes at that comment.  Well its good to be home.
"How was Rome?" I asked her.
"It was great their pizza is amazing! You seriously have to try it one day!" I just laughed.
"How was Bora-Bora?" Sag asked.
"Well sagi theres only one word to describe it and that is paradise."

I pulped back my covers and jumped into my bed.
"Well I'm going to catch some z's before dinner."
Sagittarius laughed
"Okay." She said and she left the room.
Boy was I going to miss Bora-Bora but I was happy to be home.

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