Plan Into Action

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Taurus' POV

Gemini and I sashayed up to the guards.
"Hello." Gem said in a very high pitched voice trying to play his part. I trailed my fingers up one of the guards arms.
"You're a big boy what do you say about getting out of here?" I purred trying my best to sound feminine but I was pretty much vomiting in my mouth. The guards fell for it and we started to lead them away before attacking them and knocking them out.
"Yes!" Gem and I highfived each other. Quickly we grabbed the guards uniforms and gave Scorpio, Cancer and Leo the signal. They can out of their hiding spot and we tossed Leo and Scorpio the uniforms.

Then we heard a sound we all froze and I put a finger up to my lips as I crept through the undergrowth. I tripped over and landed on my face and something jumped on top of me.
"Aha! Got you!" The newcomer let out a battle cry. The voice was familiar and my eyes widened.
"Oh shivers." She muttered, "funny seeing you here in a dress?" She said getting up and dusting her self off me doing the same.
"But how?"
"Wow you underestimated me didn't you?" She said raising a brow.
I groaned and grabbed her hand taking her to where the rest of the boys were waiting.
"How did she get out?"Gem exclaimed when he saw Aqua out of the corner of my eye I saw her roll eyes.
"Guys it really wasn't that hard. Now let's go kick some ass!" She yelled I held her back again.
"We have a plan were following." I said, "Also maybe you should hang back."
She groaned "Do you guys honesty underestimate me this much?" She said.
"No its just we don't want you to get hurt." Gem said.
"I'll be with you guys." She said in a duh tone.
"Guys we need to get going." Cancer said looking at Aquas phone screen.
"Fine let's go." I said.
We hurried inside and slipt into two groups.
Leo, Scorpio and Cancer went to shut down the power while Gem, Aqua and I went to find the others.
"Guys!" Aqua hissed in a whisper as pulled us around a corner out of sight of a person coming towards us.
"We could've got caught!" She exclaimed in a whisper after the person was out of earshot.
"Sorry Aqua." Gem whispered patting her head. I chuckled at the glare Aqua gave Gem for doing that.
"The power should be off by now what are they doing?" I then questioned out loud.
"Guys you know if your plan doesn't work I do have a backup." Aqua said.
"It will." Gem said confident in our plan.
"Just putting the offer out there."
"Guys come on." I gestured to them to follow me.
"But the power?" Gem said.
"We have a set back but we need to get them out now!" I whispered yelled.
I began to look around the corner when I met face to face to a man in a white lab coat.
As he tried grab me I punched him in the face and screamed behind me at Aqua and Gem.
"RUN!" The man had backup and they pinned me to the ground I looked up to see Gem dragging Aqua away her looking at me a scared expression on her face. Then a sharp jolt went up my body and everything went black.

Scorpios POV

I held my head high as Leo, Cancer and I walked through the compound to the main power room. As we passed other guards we were given a few strange looks because Cancer didn't blend in. Leo and I were dressed in the guards uniforms. When we approached the door to the main power room I was not surprised to see a guard positioned there.
I cleared my throat to get the guards attention.
"Are you new recruits cause I haven't seen you two around before?"
"Yes, yes we are we've got the electrician here with us." I answered and I pushed Cancer in front of me.
"I wasn't aware there was an problem here." The guard said cautiously.
"Well there is." Leo said confidently.
"Okay." The guard stood aside and let us in shutting the door behind us.
"There's something seriously off about this place." Cancer murmured.
"Well no shit sherlock the people who run this place kidnapped our friends." I said annoyance in my tone.

Cancer just ignored me and started searching for some sort of control broad. He began typing away at computer when we heard a bang. We all froze I cautiously made my way towards the door when it swung open revealing guards...


Yooo guys!
Sorry for the cliff hanger haha.
Will they all get caught?
Stay tuned to find out!

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