Holding hands

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"I'll have the Oreo one, please." I ask, and the man in the pink uniform hands me the Oreo-flavored ice cream.

"I'll have cookies and cream." Avi orders.

Mmm, good choice.

He gets his ice cream and looks at me amused.

"Wanna change?" He asks.

I giggle. "No, it's okay. Have your cookies and cream in peace."

"It's okay. You're looking at it like its your soulmate. Plus, Oreo's awesome!"

I laugh and accept the offer.

We walk through the park eating our perfect ice creams and laughing at things that are not that funny.

"How has your mom been?" I ask him.

"She's been well. Radiotherapy still sucks, though."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

His pinky touches mine, and then they hold each other, and then our hands embrace each other gently, side by side.

"... And how's college?" I ask, trying to contain my smile.

He sighs. "It's good, too... But I've been considering giving myself a gap year to take better care of my mom."


"Yeah. It sucks too."

I eat my ice cream in silence for a moment, thinking about how much he would sacrifice by doing so, but saying it like it's picking a movie to watch.

"And what about you? Almost graduated!"

"Yeah. I'm excited. Haven't gotten any acceptance letters yet, though."



"Life can really suck."

"Amen, brother." He chuckles at my funny comment. "And your sister?"

"She's fine. Horacio kind of totally broke her heart, though."

"What? Ha!" Right after I say that I wish to take it back. "Sorry, it's not funny. It's just that... Horacio as a heartbreaker... Seems like we're not even talking about the same Horacio."

He smiles diplomatically. "Yeah. He's a good kid." Kid. Sometime I forget he's older. "What did I miss anyway? What've you been up to?"

"Oh, I met this girl, Ziggy, and she's the best person in the planet. We're super best friends now."

"Ziggy is a fun name."

"It's actually Elizabeth. She goes by Ziggy, kind of like how I go by Toby."

"Oh yeah! That's cool."

"Yeah! And her brother Theo is literally the coolest person I've ever met. He can literally own any situation. He's amazing. If he's in the room, you'll know. Everyone will know."

He doesn't answer.

"I take it you two are friends now, too?"

"Yeah. We are."




And then I realize we don't have a lot to talk about.

"I actually have to go now, but I'd love to have dinner with you tomorrow night." He says.

I smile. It would be much more intimate if we just sat down for dinner and talk, maybe then he wouldn't feel so uncomfortable. And maybe I won't bring up other boys then.

"It would be lovely." I say.

"I'm... Im sorry about my awkwardness." He says, shyly, and I wonder if this is the most awkward he can get, because with his looks and tattoos and the way he moves, it's nearly impossible to feel like he's weird. He's perfect, I'd forgotten just how much. "It's just... I still feel weird about hanging with you. You... You make me feel weird." He chuckles hesitantly.

I blush. "I'm glad we're going out tomorrow. It'll be fun, I promise."

"I don't think it's possible to not have a good time with you." I look away, blushing even more. "Even just doing nothing with you is good. It's really good."

"I feel the same."

He sighs almost laughing. "God, those words. You should be careful with those words."

I have no response.

He changes the subject. "I'll pick you up at eight?"

"Umm, sure. Ferrari tomorrow or nah?"

He chuckles once again. "Maybe. We'll see."

I smile, and leave, slowly taking away my hands of his as the distance grows between us.


Avi is so f'n cute.
I *heart emoji* him.


We Should Talk. (Book One)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat