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"No way you did that!" I say Tim.

I look over at Toby and she knows he didn't do it either. She's lying down on my chest, with both of her hands under her head, like a pillow.

I caress her hair gently and kiss her head.

"Jack, I swear I did! I did it, I did it!" He reassures me.

"Sure you did." Horacio says, laughing.

"Somethings are meant only for us, Tim. Somethings that other people just wouldn't understand." Gus says, tapping Tim's shoulder but looking at me.

I smile. Gus has always been so good with words.

Toby looks down on her watch.

"Guys, I have to go. My dad's gonna kill me if I don't get home in 20 minutes." She says.

I nod. "I'll take you home."

Even though I could lay here with her forever, I know how her dad feels about being out late.


We're in front of her house, and we still have five minutes left before it's times she has to get in.

I hold her head with both of my hands and kiss her; she smiles.

"You know I love you, right?" I tell her.

She nods.

"And I think you're alright."

I chuckle.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow night? We can watch Netflix." I suggest.

She smiles. "Or not."

My heart skips a beat, but I try to make it seem like I'm normal about the fact that our plans for tomorrow are very exciting.

It's been a couple of months since we "did it" for the first time. And now it's just something we do whenever we want to.

Even though it's become something somewhat normal, I'm still very happy about doing it with her. The "with her" part being the best part of it all.

"You know, some day we're going to get married and have a wonderful life together." I tell her.

"We'll have two kids. Both adopted." She adds.

I smile. "And a dog. One of those super big ones."

She looks up at the stars, holding my hand. "And we'll both be in England. You attending Cambridge and me going to Kent."

We kiss.
I can't wait for all of that to happen.


"Mom, I'm home!" I shout, as a slam the front door.

"Jack... Can you come here in the living room for a second, honey? Your dad and I have to talk to you!" I hear.

My dad? Dad lives in Chelsea and never comes to America to visit.

They got divorced when I was only a kid. I barely even ever see my father, all I have from his is the British accent, other than that there is nothing else holding me to him.

We Should Talk. (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now