L-O-V-E (is all you need)

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I run into the diner and hear the bells hanging on the door go crazy with the impulse.

I go straight to the man wearing a hair net and an apron.

"Hey, is Ziggy here?" I ask him.

He moves his head pointing me to the table were that girl is sitting with a boy across from her.

I run up to her.

"Ziggy!" I shout. She turns around and sees me.

"Oh, hi! It's Broken Girl!"

I laugh and sit beside her, ignoring the boy sitting across from her for a second.

"I made my decision. I just felt that I really had to thank you." I tell her.

She smiles and hugs me.

"I'm glad I was of some help!"

"You definitely were!"

Ziggy smiles some more, looking very excited that I'm here and that everything worked out.

Suddenly a waitress comes and gives Ziggy and the boy their hamburgers. That actually look really good. I'm starving.

"Please, have dinner with us." She finally says.

"Oh... I wouldn't want to interrupt your dinner with your boyfriend. Actually, I think I've interrupted enough. But please call me, so we can hang out some time!" I tell her, writing down my phone number on a napkin.

She laughs.

"Darling, you're sweet, but this is my brother, Theo." She introduces. I blush.

"Hi..." I tell him.

He nods.

He sits with one of those cool poses, like in those 80's movies. His backside at the tip of the seat, and one arm over the table and the other hugging the back of the booth.

His leather jacket and "cool" haircut make me remember young Johnny Depp, in the movie Cry Baby, and I wonder what kind of parents they must've had to grow up so unique and full of style.

"And your name is...?" He asks.

"Oh. Toby."

The boy chuckles.

"Your name is actually Toby?" Ziggy asks.

"Well, my birth name is Tobelia. But since I'm not an aristocrat from the 1940's I go by Toby."

"I love it." The boy adds. I smile. "You'll be a great addition to the group."

"The group?" I ask.

"Sure!" Ziggy exclaims. "If you want, you can be one of us."

I smile.

This is the perfect timing for this.

"Your boyfriend can join too if he's as cool as you." The boys tells me.

"Oh yeah! How did things go with your boy?" Ziggy asks.

I ignore the comment about me being cool, that obviously made zero sense to me. "It went well. You helped me realize what I really wanted."

"So...?" She goes on, curious.

I sigh. "That day I told you I didn't know who I loved. The truth is: I love all three. One was my best friend, the other was the perfect man and the other one was the love of my life until he broke my heart."

"So, what did you decide??" Ziggy asks.

Her brother seems quiet, but intrigued to hear how my story ended.

"You asked me if I could imagine my life without them." I tell her. "When you asked me that, I... When you asked me..."

"You realized the answer was yes." Theo says. I look at him, curious to try to understand the boy who so clearly understands me.

He sits straight on his chair. "You see, you love all three of them. But in a different way, right? Your best friend is obviously subjective to your feelings in a way, and the former love of your life, I imagine, can easily trigger the memory part of your brain, remembering not only moments, but feelings as well. And the third guy was nothing but you trying to get a clean sleigh. Your friend knows you well, your ex knew you well, but not the new guy. With him you could start over. Now suddenly you realize your best friend is only your best friend, which isn't something small or bad, the old love is nothing but an old love, and your "perfect guy" is just a regular guy. Seems like all the time we overcomplicate our thoughts and make things harder for ourselves, and that's why when Ziggy asked you a simple question, you realized there was a simple answer. You don't love any of them in an overwhelming way."

"Hey Ziggy!" The man with the apron calls. She stands up and goes there, while I stare at her brother, with my mouth slightly opened and not taking my eyes away from him for a second, completely blown away.

He leans in closer to me on the table and his nose is almost touching mine. He looks down at my mouth and his nose almost touching mine.

"A love that makes you surrender. That makes you know that you won't need anything else in life, but at the same time makes you uncertain because love is not science. You will want to fall out of it because it'll be like you're drowning. The deeper you go the more you'll get hurt someday, and you know that. But you're going to take that risk anyway. Because it's inevitable." He whispers in a soothing tone, and I close my eyes listening to his hypnotizing words. His lips come to my ears. "And then you will finally accept that you can't help falling in love."  He leans out and I wonder how he could possibly know so much abut a stranger. He doesn't even smile, just looks at me, observing my reaction. His seriousness and strange knowledge on the subject adding to his dangerous aura.

I snap out of the transe. "How come you know so much about love?" I ask, almost breathless.

"Music, my friend." He explains, putting his beer in the air. "When words fail, music speaks."

I get Ziggy's beer and touch his with mine. "I'll drink to that."


Hey Fantastic Followers!

In case you think you've read this chapter wrong in someway, you haven't. Toby didn't choose Jack, Avi or Horacio.

After all, Toby knows that dating someone will not make her complete, and she knows that finding a man is not her priority in life, so why bother?

But omg how much do you love Ziggy and Theoooo?
I adore them.


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