A Dollar for Your Thoughts

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I'm sitting in the sidewalk, just beside my car, one block away from my house.

I didn't get to go do my nails today, since that Christopher guy decided he wanted to kiss me while he dated my cousin. Ten minutes ago.

I don't know what to do right now. Grace and I aren't close, we don't talk to each other at all if the people around us don't force us to socialize— but we always have each other's back. It's like we don't care about each other enough to hold a grudge for all the shit we do. But I have Horacio and Augustus as my best friends and they're part of the family, and she has no one. I feel like she feels pressured to bring boyfriends to family reunions, for her not to be alone, so I always help her out, and she helps me out.

It's a weird relationship, but it works. Or, it worked anyway.

This... I've screwed up big time. This frenemy thing Grace and I had was really working for me, and I've ruined everything. Well, not me, Christopher. But I don't think Grace will care about that detail.

I know she has dated jerks before, the whole family knows all about her romantic scandals, but none of that drama ever reached me like this. Not since we were seven and her crush had a crush on me.

I just have so much on my mind.

At this point, I have given up on going to the salon, and going back home. I never like to think about important things in closed spaces. For me to think straight I have to take a breath of fresh air and think about the things that must be thought about carefully.

"Amy, don't do this!" I hear a boy say, coming from behind me.

"Do what?!" A girl screams, angry.

"Amy, please! Think this through!" he begs. "I didn't do this to hurt anyone!"

"I already have thought this though, you're the one who hasn't, because you never do. Now get the hell away from me. I don't need anymore toxic in my life." the girl pushes him away from her and starts running, leaving the poor boy, who's face I haven't yet seen, standing beside me.

"Damnit." he whispers, as sits down beside me, hiding his head in his hands, probably holding back tears.
Should I say something?

"Uhh.. Are you okay?" I ask. He looks at me. He has green eyes, that complement his light brown hair perfectly.

"I'll be fine... Eventually." he admits. "How about you? Do you just enjoy sitting in streets on your free time?" I smile.

"No, only on weekends and holidays." I reply, sarcastically, and he smiles. "On weekdays only when serious shit happens." he nods.

"A dollar for your thoughts?" he offers. I laugh.

"Don't you mean a penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm sure your thoughts are much more valuable than just a penny." he answers. Immediately I realize I'm dealing with a boy who knows exactly how to get a women to fall in love for him. And with his looks, I'm sure he can get any woman to fall for him. He's one of those guys that can charm anyone. One of those guys you should stay away from.

"Sharing secrets with a complete stranger, what could go wrong?" I wonder, out loud.

"You share yours, I share mine." he plans.

I sigh, surrendering to him inevitable oozing attractiveness. "Sounds like a deal to me." I realize something on his arm, on his skin, showing a little bit through his shirt's long sleeve. A tattoo? "My cousin's boyfriend just kissed me." I let out. He raises an eyebrow, surprised.

"Just kissed you?"

"Yes, as in 15 minutes ago." I add. He lays his hands on his chest and pretends to have been shot in the heart. I laugh.

"Is she your friend?" He asks.

"No. I mean yes, I guess. Ugh, I don't even know." I answer.

"Sounds complicated."

"It is." I sigh again. "We have this... Unspoken deal. It's kind of like, we always have each other's back, but we don't like each other's company. Not ever since we were little. It's weird but it works. It did anyway, before her jack-ass boyfriend decided to go all Les Mis on me, except I'm not Cosette! At all! I'm Eponine. I'm the one who doesn't get the guy!" As soon as I feel his green eyes upon me, I realize I just rambled about musical theaters to the boy; and regretted it as soon as it left my mouth.

"And what are you going to do about it, Angry Girl?" he asks.

"Besides beat his ass?" I close my eyes and lie down on the floor. "I don't think there's anything I can do. As soon as she finds out, we're done." he lies down beside me.

"Would you believe if I told you that the girl I was arguing with is my younger sister?" he asks, I smile.

"No angry girlfriend?"

"No, but a very angry sister."

"What'd you do?" I ask.

"Our mom... She has cancer. And she has this thing with wanting me to have a girlfriend. And I have had girlfriends before... but no one is perfect, you know? And I don't want my mom to meet someone who I think is only going to be temporary. I want her to meet someone I see myself spending the rest of my life with."

"So you don't introduce her to anyone, ever?" I ask, trying to not seem pitiful after discovering that his mother has cancer. He probably doesn't need anyone else in his life feeling sorry for him, specially not a stranger.

"Precisely. And my sister thinks I'm being a dick for not just giving my mom what she wants."

"And why does she want you to have a girlfriend so much, after all?"

"She wants me to have someone to take care of me. I think it's normal, right? You're dying and you want to make sure your children will be ok without you."

"I think your mom is an amazing woman." I say, and then I pull myself back up to stay seated. "And I also think you should just introduce your goddamn girlfriend to her, already! If you're dating the girl, she must be special in some way to you." he stands up.

"The thing is: I just broke up with her, two days ago. And my sister Amy, as you probably noticed, is pretty pissed." I stand up as well.

"So what are you going to do?" I ask.

"I have no idea." he answers. "And what are you going to do?"

"I don't have a clue." I answer. He smiles, and I smile right back. Our problems aren't even close to being solved, but they definitely don't seem as bad as they seemed before.

"You'll be okay, Angry Girl. When life's boring, it's boring. Seems like our lives are getting interesting. And that's good, right?"

I smile. "That's a way to look at it."

And without saying goodbye, we just go our own ways. Not even knowing each other's names. Maybe it's for the best.

I'm pretty sure Gus and Horacio will freak out when I tell them a mysterious, sexy boy gave me advice on my (brand new) scandalous love life.

Mysterious guy played by the incredibly handsome actor Avan Jogia! IRL Avan doesn't have any tattoos (that I know of), but he character does have many of them, other than that, his is pretty much how I pictured *mystery guy*

What do you think of him?


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