Having one guy get his ass kicked for my honor

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"Oh my God!" I scream, helping Jack get back up on his feet.

"Toby, leave him." Avi tells me, catching his breath. "He'll be fine. He won't die or anything."

"Do you realize what you just did? God, help me or leave!" I shout.

Avi sighs and surrenders to my demand, getting Jack by his waste and holding him over his shoulder, like Fiona and Shrek.


"There was definitely some damage done to the nose, but I don't see any broken bones. A bit shattered, but nothing irreparable. The doctor says. What a relief I feel when he says that. "I think getting it immobilized for a couple of weeks should do the job."

"Thank you so much, Doctor." I say. Jack is in the hospitals bed, resting.

The doctor leaves the room.

"Why do you care so much about this guy?" Avi asks. "Do you still like him?"

"What? No! But when I see someone on the floor, bleeding, my immediate reaction isn't exactly to laugh and let them bleed to death." I reply, mad.

"I'm sorry." He says. And I feel really glad he said that. It's good to know he's capable of it. "As your new friend, and awesome stranger, I didn't mean to do it." I smile. "But as your boyfriend, I'd totally do it again."

"Fine." I answer, rolling my eyes, secretly having appreciated his words. "I'll take the first half of your apology."

"Toby." Jack whispers, waking up. He sees Avi and tries to stand up, but I tell him to calm down and ask Avi if he can leave us alone for a couple of minutes. He leaves.

I sit on Jack's bed.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi." He says.

"Your nose will be okay, by the way. It wasn't broken."


An awkward silence comes between us. "How are you feeling?" I ask, finally.

"Okay." He answers, not taking his eyes away from me for one second.

"I'm sorry that had to happen. But you know you can't just go around kissing people's girlfriends, right?" He laughs.

"You know I was never good with rules."

I nod. "I do know that." We both smile remembering all the rules we broke during our time together. It was the funnest year of my life.

"I'm gonna win you back, Toby." He tells me.

"I'm not an object, Jack. You can't purchase me or anything like that."

"Oh, no. I'm gonna do better. I'm going to earn you. Something I should have done a long time ago." I smile.

"Innovating is good." I say. His eyes sparkle.

"Didn't you have a list? Of things you wanted to do before you died?" He asks. I look at him confused, not knowing what this has to do with anything.

"Yeah." I'm surprised he remembers that.

"Well, now you can add having two guys fist fight for my honor and cross it right out." He says, sarcastically.

"More like have one guy get his ass kicked for my honor." I say. He laughs and realizes it hurts when he laughs, which makes me laugh.

"You're being a lot friendlier than I thought you'd be." He says.

"You're in a hospital bed." I say. "And plus, I'm too tired to hate anyone right now." He smiles. I gently lay my fingers on his chest. "But this doesn't change anything, J. You screwed up, and now you've lost me." I whisper so I'm sure no one can hear me while I break his heart. "I hope I'm making myself clear. I don't love you anymore, and I pray I never will again."

"Toby, let's go. I promised your dad I wouldn't bring you home way too late." Avi says, interrupting us. I feel terrible for leaving Jack alone, but my father's imaginary curfew sounds serious. In my mind I make a note to remember to congratulate Avi on the I've-already-met-her-parents detail on the whole girlfriend thing. This unspoken deal is really working for me. I tell Jack his mom is on the way, and he says it's okay if we leave. "Hey, Jack." Avi says, on our way out the door. "Next time I'll make sure I break it." He says. And I look at Jack as if it were a death threat.

Jack has always been the most popular and desired guy at school, until he left (but that's a long story for another time), and now I feel like competing with Avi, my new boyfriend from college and an arm filled with amazing ink art, will make him even more determined to "win" his old position back.

Avi is walking me home.

"So..." He says with his hands in his pocket. "Should I be worried about that Jack guy?"

"I don't know, you're the one who almost broke his nose. I'd say he's the one who has to be worried." He laughs.

"Damn straight." He says with a smile. We see my house and I prepare myself to say goodbye.

"Hey, um, thank you." I tell him. "For the whole boyfriend-for-a-day thing. It was fun." He looks down.

"What if... What if we did it for more than a day?" He asks. I raise my eyebrow, suspiciously.

"Listen, I don't think I'm ready to date anyone yet."

"No, not actually date." He explains. "I mean, you need someone for your alibi with Grace, and for Jack to stop coming after you. And I... Well..."

"For your mom." I say. "You need a perfect girlfriend to introduce to your mom." He nods, embarrassed.

"You know what? It's stupid. Never min--"

"I'll do it." I say. "Pick me up tomorrow at 8AM. We'll go visit your mom. I'll be dressed to impress." I say. He comes closer to me and hugs me. I feel like he could cry at any point.

"Thank you so much." He whispers. I smile.

"It's what girlfriends do, right?" I ask.



What's up, readers?
Any #Tavi shippers already?... Any #Joby ones out there yet?
Let me know in the comments!


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