The Party

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"Maybe you should put a little more lipgloss." Gus suggests. I smile. It's the day of the party, and I couldn't be more excited about it. I am seriously hoping I don't see Grace there, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.
I get my Kylie Lip Kit and give myself beautifully fuller lips. Gus approves.

"And maybe you should put on more blush." I tell him. He looks away.

"Isaac will be there... I don't want to look too gay." He says. I get closer to him holding the blush brush.

"Do you want blush, or not?" I ask. He hesitates.

"It's a simple yes or no question." Horacio adds, from the other side of the room.

"Well, I guess..." Gus finally answers.

"Blush it is." I say, already putting some on his cheeks. "You don't have to be nervous." I whisper. "If Isaac isn't into you like that, there will always be more boys out there. None of them will be as amazing as you, but maybe you'll be lucky enough to find someone half as cool."

He smiles dearly. "I love you, Toby." He says, holding the brush from my hands. I sigh dramatically and put my hand on my forehead as if this were a soap opera.

"If only you were straight, Augusto!" I shout.

He imitates my gesture. "If only you were a man, Tobelita!" We both laugh.

Horacio comes out of the bathroom and looks at me with a surprised expression.

"Wow." He says. "Toby, you look hot!" He says. I go up to him and softly push him, blushing. He laughs.

"I know I'm hot!" I tell him, even though I don't quite believe it.

"What did you think about the lips?" Augustus asks him.

"I loved it." Ace answers.

"See, that's the difference between you and I, brother." Gus says, smiling to himself. "You see her lips and think you'd like to kiss them, I see her lips and think I'd look great with that lipstick." Horacio laughs. I laugh politely, but the comment about Ace wanting to kiss me made me feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay. Augustus is ready and so am I." I tell Ace. "Can we go already? The party is supposed to start at 9PM and it's already 10PM. Let's move!"

He nods and gets his jacket.

he grabs the car keys. "I'm driving."


We get to Amy's house and it's huge. I feel special just for being here. I don't think Gus noticed how gorgeous the house is because he's to busy wiping off the sweat of his hands on his shirt. I smile. I really hope all of this goes well for him.

I look over at Horacio and he is doing the exact same thing. I smile again. This is one of those twin moments you see on TV, isn't it?

I ring the doorbell.
"Remember boys, anyone would be lucky to have you." I say, and then a girl opens the door.

"Horacio!" She says, jumping in to hug him. He laughs and hugs her back. "I'm so glad you could make it!" She says. The loud music inside the house makes her have to scream a bit so we can hear her.

"Thanks for inviting me!" He says. "This is my brother Gus and our friend-slash-friend Toby. I hope you don't mind—" the girl interrupts him in the middle of the sentence to hug Gus (a bear hug, may I add), and then me. She's wearing a crop top and a high wasted skirt. All in a tone of black. I like he already.

We Should Talk. (Book One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें