Void (Part Two)// Mayla

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"Where are we going, anyway?" Ace asks, 5 minutes into the ride.

"It's a place called Void." Theo answers, looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"What kind of name is Void?" Jack asks.

"Listen, if you don't want to go, by all means, please don't." I tell him, mad.

Theo looks at me and then takes a look at Jack behind his shoulders, and then turn his head back to the road, without saying a word.

"We'll be there in less than ten minutes." He says.

And after that, none of us say a word.


"We're here!" I say, slamming the car's door.

"It's really crowded." Jack says. "D'you think we'll have to get in that huge line?"

"Just chill for a moment, bro." Theo tells him.

We go up to the security guy in front of the huge line of people waiting.

Right next to the guy are a group of five people arguing with him, looking really pissed.

"Let us get in!!" One of them said.

The security man doesn't seem bothered by the group's insatisfaction. "Listen, brother, I'm only doing my job, aye?"

Theo goes up to the man interrupting the fight.

"They're with me." He says.

"Who?" The man asks.

Theo signs at us and at the frustrated group of friends trying to get in.

The security man laughs. "Ha! No way you know these geeks."

Theo turns around, simply, looking casual as ever and gestures at the group. "Fez, Michael, Jackie and Eric. They're my friends. I told you, they're with me."

The security guard makes a weird expression, like he's about to scream at Theo, but Theo looks natural, even a bit tired.

Finally, the man lets us all in. The group gets in the club smiling big and laughing, hi-fiving each other.

"Thank you!" One of the boys in the group tells Theo.

"That 70's Show never sounded so good before." One of the girls says, laughing, getting Theo's reference.

Theo laughs and agrees with her. After that, they go in their own direction.

Jack and Horacio look around the club, with their mouthed open, paying attention to the details around us, and as I realize they're distracted, I get Theo by his arm and drag him fast around the dance floor, running to the closest hidden space I could find. The tiny, dirty, girls bathroom.

We stay so close to each other that it's almost like were hugging. My chest touches his and I can feel his breath on me. I start laughing and then he laughs too, and we both just stand there, fully intertwined by each other's presence.

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