Real or not Real

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"The project will be due on Monday, which means that you'll have to get with your partners during the weekend." The teacher announces. It's Friday, no one is really listening to what she's saying, but they should, because this project is important.

Every semester in AP Quemistry Ms. Moira gives us a project that will make up 20% of our Final Exam grade, to help us out. It's very sweet and a great opportunity, so I always try to do a great job.

Obviously I'm going to be pared up with Gus. This isn't that, where I get paired up by the teacher with Jack, "coincidently", and we have to get together over the weekend and I fall in love with him again. But you must already know that by now.

Ms. Moira is super nice, she always cares about her students and always tries to help us out, which makes her class a lot better.

The class splits in groups of two and we all start discussing the projects.

Suddenly the teacher calls me. I go up to her desk without knowing what to expect.

"Is everything okay, Ms. Moira?"

"Oh, yes Toby, it's fine. But actually I wanted to ask you a favor." She says.

What is it?

"I was wondering if you could pair up with Jack. He told me he is having trouble readapting to the school and that it's extra tough because it's his Senior year and all. You're such a nice student and I would be so happy if you could do me this favor." She says.

This has Jack written all over it. Underestimating Jack is always a bad idea, I knew it, but this is genius. How could anyone say no to Ms. Moira?

"I'd love to" I lie. "But I'm having a hard time understanding the subject, and Gus has been tutoring me and helping me study, so I think we'd work very well together. I wouldn't want to pair up with another person that also doesn't understand the subject, bringing the both of us down." As I make up this lie, I try to come up with a solution that would teach Jack to not try this again. "But if I may say so, Ms. M, Sandy is dying to have an excuse to talk to Jack. She has a huge crush on him and is super happy he's back. She's also very smart, so they'd make a great couple! Also, I think he likes her back." I tell her, as if I were letting her in on school gossip.

Teachers like Ms. Moira love it when teenagers treat her like one of them. So me calling her "Ms. M" and telling her who has a crush on who, as if we were intimate, makes her feel like we can trust her and like she's young again (when really she's in her 40's). So obviously, this would never fail.

"OMG!" She says, already acting like one of us. "Totally! That's a great idea! Thanks To!" I nod.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that "To" isn't a real nickname.

I go on the way to my seat when she calls Jacks name.

"You should know better by now than to compete against me." I whisper to Jack as I pass by him, and he smirks without replying.

I go back to my seat beside Gus, but keep looking at Jack to see his reaction.

After Ms. Moira gives him the news that he'll be paired up with one of the girls that are crazy for him, he looks at me with a proud, discrete smile, as if he were saying "Nice move", and I try not to look to happy about my small victory.

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