Daydreaming and Dates

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Augustus and Horacio are over at my house. We usually meet after school, but since it's Christmas break, they just come over randomly.

I can't stop thinking about that boy from the other day. The more I think about it, the more I think it was all a dream. A handsome, probably older, boy, with green eyes, a fuckboy haircut and a mysterious tattoo? What am I? A character in a Wattpad book? No, this is real life. My life. And perfect boys like these don't mysteriously appear in real life.

But I just can't stop myself from thinking. What if this was real? I may never see that boy again, but that's something I will keep with me, forever. Grandma always tells me crazy stories from her youth, and I always worried I'd never have ones of my own, not as exciting anyway, but now... I do. I have this one mysterious story that I can hold on to.

Whatever, I'm probably overthinking this.

"The mission starts at New Years Eve. Toby, are you in?" Gus asks me.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Are you in or out?" He asks again.

"Um, yeah, sure." I answer, having no idea what he's talking about.

"Toby, what's on your mind?" Horacio asks me, noticing my not being present.

"Nothing." I say. Just everything.

"Come on. You can't fool us." Gus tells me, with a cocky smile.

2 minutes earlier.

"I'm going on a date." Horacio announces.

"What? When did that happen?" Gus asks, glaring at Horacio surprised.

"This morning I ran into that girl I was telling you two about, at the Christmas party."

"The girl from our school?" Gus interrupts.

"Yeah! She was buying a couple beers at the Marketplace when I ran into her."

"A couple as in two?" Gus asks.

"Exactly. My immediate response was also to assume she had a boyfriend, so I figured, why not find out now? So I went up to her and asked her out! That simple." he says, overly confident.

"Even though that's obviously not how it went down, that's great, bro! I'm super happy for you!" Augustus says, playfully punching Horacio's shoulder. "When's it gonna be?"

"Actually, she and her close friends are having a New Year's Party, so I figured we can all go together! Everyone at school is going." he says.

"Oh? So she's one of the popular ones?" Gus wonders.

"I don't know." Horacio says, obviously hiding something. "But I don't think you'd have to be. In High School you just have to know people, who know people, who know people."

"Unless you already know everyone." Gus says, looking very interested all of a sudden. He gets closer to Horacio. "What did you say her last name was?"

"I didn't." Horacio says. "It's Fields. Amy Fields."

"Hot damn! You're dating Amy-fucking-Fields!" Gus shouts. "Anyone who's anyone hangs out with Amy Fields!"

"I'm not dating anyone!" Horacio tells Gus, blushing.

"Well, you will. I will make it my life's mission to be the brother of Mr. Amy Fields."

"Um, that's not how it works." Horacio says, but Gus ignores his brothers comment.

"The mission starts at New Years Eve. Toby, are you in?" he asks.

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