The Beast Works for Beauty

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Yoichi nodded. "Just think of it Yuu-kun, you work part time with Mr. Shindo, and I have no idea that the money you get from it, you can use to pay for college. He pays really really well."

"That is a good idea." Yuu said. A good idea indeed. Yuu smiled, if it were possible, he would ask to start working part time with that devil, the money could really help him. "I'll ask him when I get back."

Yoichi's phone began to ring, he took it and answered the call. "Hello? Big sister? Really? That's great, oh, oh..ok..I won't bye." He hung up and placed the phone back in his pocket. "Well that sucks."

"What happened?" Yuu asked.

"Tomoe just got a three weeks break from work." Yoichi said.

"And that sucks?" Yuu frowned at him. "Gee Yoichi, you gotta learn to be more supportive, I for one feels she deserves that break, she works really hard."

"I know." Yoichi said. "I'm happy for her honestly."

"You don't seem happy." Yuu said.

"She called to tell me that we don't nerd to go shopping anymore." Yoichi said. "She's on her way there to do it herself."

"And that's good." Yuu smiled. "Now we won't be worried about carrying those heavy bags."

"Yes but it also means I won't be able to see-" Yoichi immediately shut up, covering his mouth with both his hands.

"See?" Yuu stopped walking as did Yoichi. "Yoichi?" Yuu smirked. "Is there someone in that place you like."

"No, no." Yoichi blushed. "It's not like that, I swear, I just want to see the person, not that I like the person."

"Ok ok." Yuu chuckled. "So what's her name."

"Her?" Yoichi asked.

"It's a guy?" Yuu asked as Yoichi blushed and looked the other way. Yuu was shocked. "YOU LIKE MEN?" He screamed, Yoichi quickly dragged him and pulled him into a lonely place.

"No, you got it all wrong." Yoichi said. "I don't like men, I just so happen to be interested in this one."

"Interested?" Yuu asked.

"Not interested in a love kind of way, I mean interested in a curious kind of way." Yoichi said.

"Ok if you say so, so what's he's name?" Yuu asked.

Yoichi scratched the bag of his head. "I have no idea."


"I haven't really met him yet but I know a lot about him." Yoichi said. "His favorite food is fish, his dream was to one day become a race car driver, he hated carrots, he loves meat, he-" Yuu held up a finger, stopping him from continuing.

"You mean to tell me." He began. "That this man, has giving you so many details about himself but hasn't even told you his name."

"Well.." Yoichi blushed. "He didn't tell
me any of these things."


"I found them out myself."


"To be honest." Yoichi smiled. "I've never actually met him face to face, he probably doesn't even know I exist."

"So, you haven't talked to him?" Yuu asked.

"No." Yoichi shook his head.


"I KNOOWW!" Yoichi cried out. "I don't know when and how I started doing it, but I just did, I've been following a stranger's life for over six months now."

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