chapter 2

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Hey im back wid another update hope u all enjoy
Keep calm stay blessed..😊😊

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Malhotra Industries
Meeting room

Manik pov
From last 1 hour or so im sitting here in the meeting room as i expected it was a good reason to save my self from alya but sitting here continously talking to people and knowing their quallifications is really boring job .
And more over there is no one i really wanted to appiont as my PA. So i thought to close the interview for today.
As i was extremely tired.
End of pov
I picked up the phone and press the button so that shaina can recieve my call as soon as she picked the phone i said
Phone conversation
M:"hey shaina" he said in hurry.
S:"yes sir" she said obediently.
M:"shaina plz stop the interview now as im really tired"
S:" ok sir as u say" she said.
End of conversation

As shaina was taking to manik there was a girl standing tapping her right foot and creating rythem with her fingers.when shaina hung the phone.the girl said
Girl as G
G:"im here for the interview"
S:" sorry mam u are late the inter view time is finished"
G:" aree aise kaise finished .dekhye mei janti hon k mei late ho magar mera interview dena bohat zarori hai plzz mujhe jane dejye."
S:" sorry mam but i cant help u in this" she said calmly
G:" what sorry han !!ap mujhe yeh baataye k interview us right cabin mei hai kya. " she asked hurridly
S:" nye mam left wale cabin mei hai .kun??? Still confused with her question
G:" aree kaisa office hai yeh woh admi kaise under ghuss aya hai" she said loudly enough so that every one can listen to her.
Shaina turn to look at the man and everyone else attention also moved to him. Taking the oppertunity she ran toward the left cabin where the interview was been taken.
As soon as she enter she closed the door facing it and start taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart beat.
Soon she listen a vioce from her back
Voice as V
V:" who are u and what are u doing here??
G:" sir im here for the interview" she said slowly still facing her back towards the man.
V:" the interview is finish .who allow u to enter inside??
G:" i know sir .per mere majboori thi .." She said facing him
Well after that she was speaking and speaking and speaking while the man was just looking at her face and her changing expressions.
Yes the man was no one else than manik malhotra
Manik pov
I was resting in the meeting room it self as i was really tired after the interview but suddenly i hear the sound of opening of door and as soon as i turned i saw a girl facing her back towards me .she was panting heavily as she had run in a marathon. So i asked her and she said that she is here for interview. I release a sigh as i was tired of interviews but when she turn i was shock, suprise and what not . she was telling me the reasons of her being late but i was giving damn to what she said as i was busy adoring the cute princess standing infront of me. She was looking really cute, she was short in height having long hairs , chubby cheeks, big doe eyes, pouty lips, and a very cute nose. She was wearing a white shirt til her mid thighs and a black loose coat.

 She was wearing a white shirt til her mid thighs and a black loose coat

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Suddenly she snapped infront of me taking me out of my dream world.
G:"sir interview" she said looking at me hopefully.
Well she is cute and adorable. So chucking all my thoughts i allow her to sit.when she sat i started the so called interview.. Well that was indeed because i have decided that she will be my PA at any cost.
M:" so u are here for the interview" i said as i was tring to look little bossy.
G:" yes. Sir !! Im here for the interview" she replied handling me her resume..
End of pov
M:" so what is ur name" manik asked .
G:" nandini . nandini murthy." Nandini said with a proud
Nandini as N
M:"so nandini from where u get ur education" manik asked her without bothering to look at the file she gave
N:" from space acadamy" nandini said .
M:" so u are educated from space." Manik said as now he gave a look to the file. And after reading what was written in the file he was shocked infact was not able to digest the fact . he looked at her in disbelieve. As he was beyond shock. And anyone can tell this from his facial expression..
M:" u....are.. nandini....murthy ... our ..junior..." Manik said while stammering. He could not believe what he saw was true or not.
N:" yes your junior but how do you know that."
Nandini asked with a little frown on her forehead
M:" why do you want this job." As soon as manik gain his concious back he asked her and this time he was actually rude.
N:" because i want to earn money along with some good experience" nandini said with confidance..
M:" but why only this job, u can get a better means really better job then this.. Ur resume shows how talent and intelligent u are.. So why only this job" Manik asked a little astonished.
N:" because i want the sucess from the start by my own capabilities." She said again with a proud in her voice.
Manik was again suprise by her words as well as her confidence..
N:" and al..." Before nandini can continue more she was stopped by manik's word which escaped from his mouth
M:" u are hired" manik said before she can continue with her ranting.
Nandini stared him blankly and then soon gaining her consiousness she said
N:" thank u sir .. I wont disappiont u. And i promiss u wont be regretting ur decision any moment" she said with enthusisiam.
manik nodded instantly..
M:"i know that" manik whispered and smiled as soon as nandini left the conference room

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Let me know ur views through comments whether its good or bad...

End of chapter
Love u all

Manan FF Intense Love	 ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant