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»Kanato's POV«

I watched her throw the letter up in the air once she was done reading it. A huge smile was painted on her face.

"Fuuuuck! Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck!" She whisper-shouted. "Holy fucking shit, Kanato!"

Giving her a look of disdain, I sat on her chair as she jumped up and down the bed. "Oy, if the bed breaks under your heaviness it's not my fault."

"I'm going to LA! I'm going to see all the shit you have to see there! I'm going to go to my favorite country!" She paused to breathe but continued jumping again. "And most of fucking all, I'm gonna see Dad!"

When she finally went down, she grabbed her phone from her desk, and my hand to my surprise. "Come on! This calls for a celebration!"

"Where the hell are we going?" I exclaimed as she dragged me out of her room and pulled me downstairs.

"Mom! Kanato and I are going to buy something! Can we go?" She yelled but I don't think she was really asking for permission.

"Yes dear, just make sure you're using your own money." Her mom called out from some room. It didn't take Y/N a minute to continuously drag me outside.

"Where are we going? It's night already and I'm sure every fucking store is closing at this time." I grumbled as she pulled my hand.

"It would be easier if you knew where the convenience store is but I don't think you do." She replied.

"Why the hell are we going to the convenience store?" I questioned.

She turned to me, showing me her gleaming mischievous eyes. "I told you, we're going to celebrate."

"What?" I asked again but she didn't answer this time. I pondered on what she meant by that and before I knew it, we were there.

"Hmm, should we get chips? Or ice cream?" She wondered out loud.

"Ice cream." I told her. "Why would you get something salty for a celebration."

Why does she even want a celebration? "Right, ice cream and alcohol will go well together." She clapped her hands.

"What? Alcohol?" I scoffed. "Are you forgetting that it's a school night?"

"If it wasn't a school night, I would've taken you to bar with Ryo." She smiled slyly. "And can you please stop sounding like Mom? It'll be a fun experience, I swear."

"Yeah, waking up to hangover, what a really fun experience." I huffed.

"Nice, to know that you must've done this before." She chuckled. "Are you sure you're still sick?"

My blood ran cold, if only she knew how much I remembered already. "I don't know, I don't think so."

"Hmm, we should go to Auntie's right after school to get you checked." Fuck, will she find out that I'm nearly healed? "But for now, let's drink and eat ice cream till dawn!"

After buying a few alcoholic drinks and arguing over which ice cream flavor to buy, we finally left the store and set back home.

"Your argument is invalid, Cookies and cream is the better flavor." She told me, taking out the bottles and the tub of ice cream on her desk.

Lost Boy (Kanato x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now