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»Your POV«

After proving to Charlie that Kanato and I are on good terms, I spent my afternoon with my phone. Thank god we didn't have any homework to do nor tests to study for, I wanted to rest.

"Dinner's ready." Charlie informed me and Kanato, interrupting my binge-watching of music videos. The purple head didn't take a second for him to dash downstairs, whereas I didn't want to get out of my comfortable position. "Oy, come on now. The food will get cold."

"Ehh," I grumbled, my eyes trained on the 7 delinquents on my phone screen. "I'm comfortable 'ere. I'll go down later."

Charlie glanced at my screen, catching sight of one of them, now in a police costume, dancing. "Can you even understand what they're saying?"

"No, but can you really call this a crime?" I said, actually using one of the song's lyrics. In return, I got a flick on the head. "Ow!"

"Yeah, Y/N, it's a crime not to follow your older brother when he just wants what's good for you." He told me. "Now get up, and go down."

"Jeez mate, I was joking." I rubbed my nape as I put down my phone on my desk and followed him downstairs.

"You know, Y/N, Dad sent us letters again." Charlie stated. "I think this time, we have the plane tickets to go to America."

My eyes widened. "Seriously?"

He nodded. "Mom said one of the letters felt like there was something inside. She didn't say whose though."

"Shiit." I grinned, but then it fell a bit. "But it could also be anything. What if it's not a plane ticket?"

"Well then we wait for one again, like what we always do." He answered, leading me sighing.

"I fucking hope it's a plane ticket." I muttered to myself.

The food was laid out, together with the letters sent from Dad. Both Kanato and Mom were already eating as Charlie and I sat down on our seats.

"What took you both so long?" Mom asked us.

"Had to force Y/N here to get down." Charlie told her. He immediately put food onto his plate. "My god, I am so hungry."

My gaze was focused on the letters that were before me as I ate. I could see my name on one of them and the urge to grab it and rip it open got stronger and stronger as time passed.

"Your eyes are severing the letter already. By the time you open that, it's already ripped and you can't read it anymore." Kanato said, interrupting my thoughts. I diverted my gaze to the purple head who was picking his food with his fork. I frowned at him.

"Oy, eat. Why are you not eating your food? Are you sick or something?" I asked him. He looked up to me straight in the eye.

"I'm thirsty, Y/N." At those words, my blood ran cold. He's thirsty? For what, for blood again? Will his vampire side show again? Where the hell would he collect blood if it did then? A different hospital? Or from a real person this time? "Can you get move that glass of water towards me?"

Goddamnit Kanato. "Oh, oh okay." I muttered, pushing it to him. He was smiling a bit as he took the glass like he knew I would think of what he said differently. I should've known he was tricking me.

Or was he really tricking me?

"So, I think you've all noticed those letters on the table." Mom suddenly said to us.

"I think Y/N didn't just notice it Mom." Charlie snickered making me elbow him. 

"And I know you've been waiting to open it." Mom continued, not minding Charlie's remark. "I think you both should open it in your rooms. I don't want to hear screaming by the way, once you open those."

Both me and Charlie sucked in a deep breath as we finished our dinners and got our messages from Dad. My hands were shaking a bit as I got mine, I think it actually felt heavier than usual, fuuuck.

Sadly for Charlie, it was his turn to wash the dishes so his letter had to wait. I, whereas, had all the time in the world to read it, so I didn't waste a second to get my scissors and cut the envelope open once I got to my room.

"If I faint right now, could you bring me to the bed?" I asked Kanato, who followed me upstairs.

"No, why would I? You're too heavy." He replied. I huffed but that didn't stop me from smiling.

"Well, here goes nothing." I mumbled to myself as I shook the envelope to get it's contents out.

And at once 2 things fell to my desk, a piece of paper and a plane ticket.


lol sorry for the long wait :(( i'll try to update by tues or wed this time promise

btw i couldn't help but insert a little bit of my kpop love in this chapter xD the MV i tried to describe at the top ( which i kinda sucked at xD ) is called Trespass by Monsta X ( i know yall dont care but if you're a kpop fan, check that MV out and if you like it, message me and fangirl with me 😍😍 )

same voting goal as before guys :) 45 votes and 30 comments


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