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»Your POV«


Other people's definition: havoc, destruction, no order.

My definition: the school field during a water fight.

There were water bottles, water jugs, containers, and anything that you could use to hold a lot of water, were strewn everywhere. Boys were drenching each other with water whereas most of the girls were running away from them. I could see Kiyomi being chased by a lot of guys from where I was standing. Even if she she was running away from them, she had a flirtatious smile on her face.

Nasty bitch.

"Look there's Ryo." Kanato chuckled. I averted by gaze from her to where he was looking at. There was Ryo, the only one with colored water bottles. He had at least tons of those in his wet bag behind him. "He looks like a fool."

"Oy." I nudged him. "A cute fool mind you. Why can't you be nice to him? He's being friendly earlier."

"He hasn't done anything nice to me. And even so, why would I be nice to him?" He huffed.

"Tsk, sooner or later he will be nice to you, I swear it." I grumbled.

He was about to oppose me when he spotted something. "He's there."

"Who?" I looked to where he was gazing. "Oh, it's Chiro-"

"Where are my water bottles Y/N?" He demanded, smiling maliciously. "Come on give them to me."

I gave him the purple water bottle grudgingly. "I think you just brought me to bring your water bottles." I muttered.

"Can you chase he him to a spot where there's a lot of people so he can't escape?" He requested. I really narrowed my eyes at him.

"You want me," I pointed to myself. "To go to that?" I directed to the wild crowd, splashing water at each other.

"Yeah so?"

"Have you forgotten the fact that I even had to borrow your clothes because I nearly died of cold?!" I stressed out.

"Didn't you say you want to die of cold with me, that's why we're here?" He pointed out.

"But Kanato I was just playing-" I argued when he shushed me.

"Come on, you can't die of cold. Plus, you're a fast runner. You can do it." He smiled with a thumbs up. I was supposed to shoot something back when he disappeared.

"Fuck you Kanato. You can't die of hypo-fucking-thermia, but I can goddamn it." I muttered angrily, scanning the field.

Even if we were arguing for awhile, Chiro didn't go away from where he was earlier. He was still there, dousing other people with cold, freezing water.

I noticed that he wasn't soaked yet though. Yeah, his front shirt was wet, and parts of his pants, but he wasn't as drenched as most of the students were. I couldn't help but smirk. "Hah, time for that to change."

Thankfully, Kanato left me a blue water bottle so I could look like I was chasing to soak him. Once I neared him, I screamed. "Oh my god, Haichiro! I swear to the gods I'll soak you as fuck!"

Chiro just laughed at me. "That's if you can catch me."

As expected, he ran away from me. I was able to chase him to somewhere that was really crowded. Where was Kanato though?

"You can't drench me fully Y/N. No one has ever did so in the past few years." He chuckled.

"Uhm, correction. I won't be the one to drench you." I told him. He looked at me, confused.


Exactly when I grinned maliciously, Kanato appeared. And with Chiro facing me, he was able to douse Chiro from top to bottom.

"What the fuck?!" Chiro exclaimed. Both me and Kanato laughed.

"Hahaha! Chiro, how does it feel being wet?" I smiled triumphantly.

"I will fucking get back at you Y/L/N!" He shouted. He had to leave since many people where also taking the chance of wetting him in that spot. "And you too, you purple head!"

As we watched Haichiro run away, I put my arm on Kanato's shoulder and bro-fisted him. "Nice one."

"You don't seem to be dying of cold." He commented, smirking. "And you seem to be happy this annual water fight."

"Hmph, I didn't say anything." I stuck my tongue out. I could see the older batch coming out already. "I think we have to go now, Charlie must be done with whatever made him late."

- F L A S H B A C K E N D -


Hey yall watsup ? 😁👊🏼

I think this must be like um the longest chapter so far in this book with uh 755 words 👊🏼👊🏼 ( a/n not counted )

So anyways, same voting goal ? (40 votes, and 25 comments )

Hahaha love you guys 💜👌🏼💜👌🏼💜👌🏼


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