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»Your POV«

I awoke in the middle of the night, heaving in and out. It seemed like I had a bad dream, although I couldn't remember what it was. I felt space beside me, so I sat up and found out Kanato wasn't there beside me.

"Kanato? Where are you?" I whispered. The only source of light was the moon and aside from where the moonlight hits, the entire room was pitch black.

"Kanato?" I called out quietly again. "Are you here?"

"Y/N, come with me."

My head whipped to the direction of the voice and I found Kanato sitting on the bed beside me. "Where did you come from?" I asked, surprised.

"It doesn't matter." He waved it off. "Can you go with me?"

The fuck? "What? Where? To the bathroom? What are you, two?"

"No, of course not." He shook his head. "Somewhere, let's go somewhere."

"In the middle of the night?" I half-whispered, half-yelled. "Are you crazy?"

"Just this once, come on." He looked at me with a pleading expression. "I have to go but I don't want to go alone. This might help with my amnesia-"

"Your amnesia can wait, my beauty sleep can't." I pulled my covers and closed my eyes. "Plus, it's a school night. We'll be dead if Charlie catches us, not to mention Mom."

"Come on." He shook me. "Y/N, come on."

I didn't budge. "Please, Y/N, come with me." I could hear embarrassment in his voice. I smirked, maybe I could rethink my choice.

"What was that?"

I felt the glare burning through me. "I'm not going to repeat that."

"Well I'm not going to come with you." I told him.

A few minutes passed, there was no reply. I opened my eyes and found Kanato extremely close to me.

"Oy, move." I said uncomfortably. It was his turn to smirk.

"Move closer?"

"Fuck no, move away." I growled but it sounded more like a cat's mewl.

"I'm not moving until you agree to come with me." He looked at me. For one second, I thought hunger flashed through his eyes. "You smell good tonight-"

"Okay, fuck this shit, I'm coming or do whatever it takes for you to get off me." For sure, I'm extremely red right now. Hopefully, he can't see it clearly.

He grinned. "Alright, now go dress up. Make sure to wear something dark alright?"

Dark? "Are we going to camouflage or something?"

He shrugged. "Something like that I guess."

Even if it sounded like we're going to do something that might end us up in deep trouble, I couldn't help but feel pumped and excited. That's why in a few seconds, I found myself dressed up in what Kanato told me to do, wondering what we're going to do next.

"And then?" I asked him.

"Just um, hold on to me and close your eyes." He replied. "I'm going to be sneaking us out."


Oooh sneaking out i see 😏😏😏😏😏

Vote/comment/fan 😁😁❤️💜💚


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