Elements will save

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Skyler's pov
We were in the elevator and we stopped on our floor and approached the door. I opened it saying we were home to Lily and Rashel. What I saw horrified me. Both Rashel and Lily were past out on the couch and the smell of vomit was slight in the air. I check both of their pulses finding them weak and yelled at the others who were getting the other bags from downstairs. They came in to see what I had and it was their turn to question. "What happened?" It was Bree's whisper that broke the silence. I picked up Rashel's limp body and Bree grabbed Lily. We carried them down into the base and put them side by side on the table. "Chase what can we do?" He looked at me after my question. "How do I know you have magic powers!" It was Kaz and Oliver who spoke up. "Rashel's element is air so we need to put her on the roof, close to her element." "Lily needs earth so we need to lay her down on earth, outside of here. She needs to be able to feel the center of the earth and Rashel needs to feel the ends of the sky." I picked up Lily then and disappeared into the tunnels while Bree took Rashel to the roof. I walked through endless passageways until I opened the final door that led to the forest. I was here. I laid her down in a crevasse in the ground that she fit in perfectly as if it was made for her. I scaled a tree and sat to see what would happen. Heart stopping moments past as nothing happened. Then she convulsed. She rolled onto her side and gagged. She opened her eyes and looked at me before her eyes blinked close and she breathed steadily. I picked her up again and carried her back to the base and put her in a side room with monitors keeping track of her heart rate, her breathing, and her active state. She was in a room next to Rashel who had done the same thing on the roof.

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