Old enemy or Old friend

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Kim's pov

From where I was crouched I saw the figures slip from the shadows and into the glowing sunlight. It was a girl. Slinking at her side was a jaguar. From the trees came rustling as three people swung into a formation. One person on each side of the open square center. Lily was added to the count so there was four people in position around the camp. Lily motioned to the other three then looked back down at the girl. She had tanned skin from the sun and dark, strait brown hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. Lily slipped into view of the girl and saw her after a minute. The jaguar looked up to meet Lily's eyes with amber ones. "Get down from there and meet me face to face." The girl shouted up to her. Lily swung down with ease and landed a few feet in front of the girl. "Better?" She snarled. Lily took a step away from the girl and tackled the jaguar. Only slight resistance came from it. The girl screamed at the black panther towering over her companion. Lily let out a small growl and two other big cats emerged from the trees. They took the jaguar away from the others and lily shifted again. "What was that for?!?" The other girl yelled at Lily. "If you want to fight it is you and me, only." They both got into a fighting position and I almost missed the word slip from the other girl's lips as she made the first hit. "Never."

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