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Lily's pov

I opened my eyes as someone was lifting my shirt to look at my side. I looked up at Jemma and she gave a sorry look. "Sorry I just wanted to check it." I smiled. "It's okay." I slowly sat up and lifted my shirt she she could get a better look. Her hand grazed the wounds and I flinched and her hand flashed back. "Sorry." I dropped my shirt and looked at her. "You are just being caring." She smiled. "So you and Skye are cousins." "Yeah." "How did you know Skye was going to be in that room. "Her computer sent out a signal to me after I connected it to mine that she had summited a plan to go their to turn on the system after it was turned off. I came here into this room while no one was looking and waited." She nodded before saying the next thing. "Did you know she was going to get shot?" I nodded. "How?" Skye looked up from her computer and limped over. "Yeah his did you know I was going to get shot?" My eyes found my hands and stayed there. "Do you still have that bag of stuff I had on me?" Skye looked at Jemma and Jemma nodded. She left to get it and came back a moment later with my blood stained bag. I opened it and pulled out my phone. I replayed the message that was given to me and they thought about it all. After a few days learning about them Kim met us at the airport and Skye and her met. The three of us went outside of the town to a forest and took a walk along a trail. I told Skye about my powers and she understood. We came to a clearing and sat down. Above our heads the stars sparkled like the Sparks of hope in a million people.

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