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Jasper's pov

I needed a way to get Lily's attention. She didn't listen and I really needed her too. Our old tribe was falling apart and I thought she could save them. Our old tribe consisted of people of all differences and their animal partner. There were wolves and tigers, parrots and lizards. Every animal that lived in this world, there was at least one of each species in our tribe. Now there were all going to die. Whoever caught Lily and that other girl was trying to destroy our tribe. I think it is because she was a part of it and still belongs but I don't see how the person got the location and Lily's connection with it. I was going to find her and tell her about what was going on, or at least I'd try. I'd tell her when I wasn't being killed by her. I packed a few things and set off. I was going to find her.
(Agents of shield)
Skye's pov

Here we were being hunted down by a man whom I had met. He wanted to destroy our team. I hated it just like everyone else on the team. We had planned to look into it. I was sitting in my room prepping myself for the task set before us.
Kim's pov

The gang, Maddie, Lily and I sat crossed legged on the floor of the dojo under the set. We all sat silently. Some of is meditating others deep in thought. I was thinking about everything I had learned. Everything I had seen in my lifetime. There was the flash of a memory when Lily and I were younger. 11 or 12 and she was visiting. It was the day she showed me she could shapeshift. I had already known her other powers. We were at the park. My mom was sitting on the bench only slightly paying attention to the two of us. We were behind the play structure. Near the edge of the clearing a small wooden structure was built by the trees as a clubhouse. The two of us were sitting on the grass outside of the clubhouse when two boys came up to us and teased us. They pushed us around when we got up and we were stuck pushed against a tree. They threatened us multiple times before Lily stepped forward. "Leave us alone." She said it angrily. Her voice was steady and powerful but didn't take any effect on the older kids. "Aww. Would you look the little girl is trying to be brave. Lily's eyes narrowed and as the wolf became who she was a growl left her throat. She tackled then both letting them go to see them run in terror. The anger was portrayed in her every movement. A boy our age sprung out of the trees grabbing Lily's scruff pinning her to the ground with an experienced hand. Lily met the eyes of the boy and below his hand lay a girl once more. He let her go and walked away leaving her there she looked at me and explained what had happened. I remember the basic appearance of the boy but nothing else really. One thing stood out though the look in his eyes. I don't remember the color of them. But I remember the look. Calculating. He was putting me into his memory. The image behind my eyes  changed to about 2 years ago when Lily was moving into my house. We were waiting for her to arrive and start the moving process. She had pulled up and was just getting out when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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