Dragon's mark

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Skyler's pov

Lily had been in treatment for 30 minutes and I had finished with other people. So I decided to go visit her. I went into the back and knocked on the door before entering. She looked at me and I noticed something was wrong with her. It was her eyes. Every few times she blinked her eyes would sparkle violet for an instant. It took me a few minutes to realize what was going on. "You gonna be okay?" All she could do was nod. The solution healed injuries but there was no cure to the pain you felt when using it. I sat down and Kaz came in a few minutes later immediately noticing Lily's eyes. "Woah. Oliver! Get over here!" Oliver ran in and stopped next to Kaz. "What?" All Kaz did was point for Oliver to notice. "What? Okay I admit I've never seen that. I've seen people's eye color change but not like this." He then turned his head to me. "Do you know anything about her eyes Skyler? You seem calm about this." "Yep." I nodded standing up and walking over to lily who looked at me once before turning her back towards her so I could lift the back of her shirt revealing the dragon tattoo that stretched from her shoulders to the base of her back. It wasn't in color, just black and full of detail. "Woah." Both boys whispered in awe. "What is that?" Asked Kaz looking up from her back to me. "It's her mark or the Dragon's Mark." "What's that?" It was Oliver's turn to ask and Lily's turn to answer after getting over the pain. "A symbol, my symbol. One that appears when I am facing something big. Usually I'm with my team when this happens and it happens to all of us." "So you all have the Dragon's Mark thing?" Kaz asks. "No. We each have a different mark." "Fireboy?" "Phoenix." "Zappy?" "Griffin?" "Frost?" "Serpent." "Cool." Both boys say together. Lily just shook her head and sighed. "Anyway I came in to say you can take your leg out of that." Kaz pointed to the solution. She slowly took her leg out and the boys gasped as the Dragon's Mark faded into the skin on her back. I dropped her shirt back down so it covered her back and I looked at her leg. It was a smooth, well, leg. All that reminded anyone of the gash that once blazed there was a faint line where the muscles stitched themselves back together.

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