We're going on a trip

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Skyler's pov

I got my stuff and waited in front of the hospital with Bree after she sped over here from the academy. We saw a van pull up and I saw Lily wave from the window. We put our stuff in the back and climbed in. Bree sat in the front seat and I sat in the left side of the first row of seats. Lily was in the middle and a boy that looked a little like her on her right. Behind us were Kim on the left, Maddie in the middle, and Liv on the right. Behind them Rashel was on the left, James in the middle, and Connor on the right. So the diagram was this:

Driver Bree
Skyler Lily Jasper
Left Kim Maddie Liv Right
Rashel James Connor

We drove for 12 hours talking as it got dark. As night came upon us we started falling asleep. I looked over to see Lily's eyes closed and leaning on the boy who I learned was Jasper. I didn't really know much about just that he was part of the Tribe thingy. By her breathing I could tell she wasn't really in deep sleep. Jasper looked at her and dropped his arm over her neck. He brushed his hand over something on Lily's neck. "Leave me alone Jasper." She muttered without opening her eyes. He smiled and rubbed her shoulder before letting his hand drop to his lap. There was a bond between the two I just didn't know what it was. I eventually fell asleep and opened my eyes as we slowly pulled to a stop in the middle of a jungle.

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