The show

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Lily's pov

I was sitting next to Kim on the aisle and the host just came on stage. We sat for about an hour before things got interesting.

Host: welcome to the stage two people that are going to help me with announcing the final top 10 favorite tv shows, give it up for Ally Dawson and Austin Moon!

It was so cool that Austin and Ally are going to help with announcing the next groups.

Austin and Ally: Thank you guys we are so happy to be here and announce the next groups. Let's get started at the 10th spot there's Nocturnal Nightmare.

The whole crowd was cheering as they went down the list of shows and the groups came to the stage to collect there awards.

Austin and Ally: Alright we are in the top five shows and here we go. In spot number 5 is Moonlight Dancers.

The group came to the stage and they kept going.

Austin and Ally: In spot number 4 is Jenna's World.... Number 3 is Looking Glass... Number 2 is Morning Fire... And finally in the Number one spot, the show you love the most... Voltage!!

We all smiled and got up we strolled down the aisle to the stage before stepping up the few steps to the top. We shook Austin's and Ally's hand and received our certificate. We said a few words of thanks before going back our seats as the show came to a close. We all hugged each other and met up with Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Farkle to celebrate. The next day we were going home.

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