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Bree's pov

The boy, jasper was someone Lily despised. She got up and stepped closer to the spot where our horses were hidden in the trees. "I really need to talk to you." It was jasper who then got a death glare from Lily. She limped over to the horses and I helped her mount before mounting myself. She turned her horse and slowly started walking it away from jasper. Jasper came and walked behind us. "I really need to talk to you!" "No you don't!" Lily shot back. "I need to, Willowleaf, I need to tell you something!" She whipped around and looked at jasper. Before I knew what was happening a tigress appeared and jumped on Jasper. "NO ONE CALLS ME WILLOWLEAF ANY MORE!!" The tigress growled before backing off and retreating back to the horses. A tigress tattoo appeared on Lily's shoulder before fading into her skin. Jasper got up from where he was from the tigress knocking him over. He looked at lily and nodded. Lily met his eyes with a hostile glare. A smirk came on his face. "I thought you said she would never come out after what happened?" "Leave." He did in a whisp of a light and we were alone. Lily and I set out we didn't talk for a while and I finally broke the silence. "What was....that?" She looked at me and sighed. "The tigress?" I nodded. "It is one of my many, many spirit animals." I was confused and she obviously noticed. "Each person I meet I have a different feeling for them. So each person has a different animal that represents my look at them. If I'm mad the animal is and if I get really upset that happens. Sometime I just let them out. They aren't usually mad like that." I hesitated about the next question but I really wanted to know the answer. "What....what is.....mine?" A smile came across her face and she laughed an earthy laugh. She extended her arm and a tattoo appeared on her wrist. There was a flash of light and my animal representation appeared. I gasped walking in between our horses was a tall, slim cheetah. "Cunning, quick thinking, and fast." I smiled. "It's wonderful." I looked at her and she looked at the open sky. She whistled and broke into a gallop and all of us ran on the open field that was in front of us we ran for a while before slowing when we heard other hoofbeats. The cheetah disappeared and she gave the signal to be quiet. She crouched low so she was hiding behind her horse's neck and I did the same. Two people emerged from the woods and Lily gasped.

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