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Kim's pov

Liv, lily and I were running lines when lily got a phone call and stepped out of Liv and Maddie's room. We stood for a minute before Liv looked at me. "What is she like?" She asked. I thought for a moment before answering carefully. "Different, she has very interesting instincts too." Liv looked at me and smiled. "What do you think of her. You aren't being recorded and no one is going to write down what you are saying word for word." I nodded and started thinking again. "She is always there and is always understanding though sometimes I think she keeps things from me and everyone else." Liv took in what I said and smiled. "Yea that's kind of like Maddie except she doesn't really hold back from telling me anything." I nodded knowing it was just some of the other things my cousin did. I knew she wasn't a normal teenager but she was still keeping things. She came in a few minutes later with a huge smile on her face. "Guess where we get to go next week?" She asked all excited.

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