Chapter 19

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Zayn didn't know what he did wrong but he definitely did do something because Niall had successfully managed to ignore him ever since he came out of the shower. He was hoping to find the blonde sitting there, waiting for him or even cooking something absolutely delicious but to his horror (and surprise) he found a fully dressed Niall, in his denim skirt and white crop top with a black leather jacket, already waiting for him (or not) in the car. So without eating anything, Zayn had to get into the car and drive them both for work. 

It would all have been okay if Niall would've just looked at him or talked to him. Even allowed the raven haired man to dress up properly for work but the blonde just ignored his existence. It was infuriating him with every passing second but the guilt of what he had done just held him back from snapping at Niall. Then there was the possibility that Niall knew about the shameful act that had mistakenly happened by Zayn but there was no proof about that. Gigi didn't know Niall and Zayn himself was going to make sure that the two blondes never saw each other. 

But when he saw Niall happily chatting away with Harry Styles, of fucking course, right outside his very own office, you could say his self restraint and the small amount of guilt just went to the drain. He grabbed Niall's hands in his own, ignoring the protests and the shocked faces of his workers before dragging the blonde inside. But obviously god was not on Zayn's side today as even his own office was filled with his best mate pacing about with huge files in his hand. 

Upon noticing Niall and Zayn's abrupt entrance in the room, Louis stopped his brisk walk session and focused on the way Niall's blue eyes were widened in fear and anger, and how tightly Zayn was holding the blonde's wrist and how angry Zayn himself looked. What had happened now? 

"What did you do?" The question was directed towards Zayn and Niall couldn't help but let out a snicker. It was funny how everybody always assumed the older man to be in the wrong. 

"I didn't do anything. He was the one who kissed somebody else in the party and he's the one who is ignoring me, despite my attempts to question what the fuck I did," The raven haired man roared, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for the blonde to reply. After minutes of waiting, and Niall glaring at his neck as if it had committed some serious crime, he decided to soften down his tone. He must've done something to get Niall all pissed and moody with him. 

"What did I--?" 

"What did you do?" The blonde mocked, walking towards Zayn to pull his T-shirt down just to reveal his neck. The confused raven haired man frowned at his best mate, hoping some help would come his way but the brunette'e eyes were widened towards something on the tanned man's neck . What was it? Zayn questioned himself and hoped Louis could see the confusion in his hazel eyes but of course, at moments like these his best friend was obviously going to ignore him and side with his boyfriend. 

"Who gave you this fucking hickey?" Zayn gasped, quickly pulling away to cover his neck. A hickey!? On his neck? This was probably the moment of truth. Now Niall knew what he had done and soon he would leave and after this, there was no way that the blonde would even think of forgiving him and coming back. He had fucked up once again and now he shall pay for it. 

"I did," The high pitched voice broke Zayn out of his miserable thoughts and snapped Niall out of his glaring. The two turned to stare at the feathery haired brunette who was blushing furiously as he tried to play with his shoes by making patterns on the ground. This was like high school detention scene all over again where the nervous geek boy tries to hide his obvious embarrassment by paying attention to the floor. Niall would've cooed if the situation wasn't so fucking tense. His own boyfriend was fucking his best mate! How absurd was that?

"You both are fucking each other?" The blonde voiced his thoughts, taking a few steps back so that he could stare at the men in front of his eyes. Was he being fooled this entire time? Did Zayn never really love him or did Louis never cared about Niall like he pretended to? What the fuck was going on? The thoughts and questions in Niall's brain were too much for him to handle.

"Oh no no. Never. I was a bit drunk and I get horny when I'm drunk so I might've attacked Zayn's neck," Louis scratched the back of head nervously and passed a glare to Zayn. He knew what his best friend had done or hopefully hadn't done but was about to do. He knew he would fuck up but he couldn't let it all go to hell when he could've done something to prevent the situation. But he really should come up with better lies. For people who actually knew him, they would know that Louis wasn't a horny drunk but a rather happy one. He found everything funny and giggled at absolutely everything when he was drunk. Sex was probably the least of his concerns during that time. Anytime sober, now that's when he would fuck a few nice looking folks. 

"So you're telling me, that when I called you and asked whether Zayn was with you and you told me no, you were lying and Zayn was actually with you and you were sucking his neck?" Niall was trying so hard to buy the lie but it just didn't make any sense. He glanced back at his raven haired boyfriend and thought back to all the times when he had actually apologized and tried to change just for him. There was no way in  hell that Zayn would cheat on him. Nope. Maybe it was just a drunken mistake Louis made and while trying to get Louis off of him, Zayn ended up with the big hickey?

"Y-yes, he didn't want to see you after finding out what happened and well, I suggested us g-getting drunk and one thing led to the other and soon my lips found his neck.But don't worry, nothing more happened. Zayn loves you a lot and plus, we would never do that. Ew," Louis scrunched up his nose at the image. Him and Zayn having sex was gross on so many levels. 

Niall smiled causing Zayn to heave out a sigh of relief and Louis to finally calm his shaking hands down. He wasn't a very good liar but thankfully, Niall didn't notice his obvious stutter or his shaking hands. Clear signs that he wasn't telling the truth. It didn't matter though, as long as Niall was happy and smiling, Louis didn't care how many lies he had to make up. Even though, he seriously needed to question his best mate about his choices in the night. How did that hickey actually end up there? The answer was obvious but he chose to ignore it. 

Niall on the other hand, was simply glad that it was Louis who felt that hickey rather than some other girl or guy. He couldn't believe that he had doubted his boyfriend. Zayn had been nothing but kind to him and here he was, letting his fears and doubts get the best of him. He quickly wrapped his arms around Zayn's taller frame. 

"I'm sorry for doubting you," Niall whimpered, clutching to his boss' arms for dear life. He had done such a terrible terrible thing by even thinking that Zayn could cheat on him. 

"It-It's okay," Zayn answered, giving Niall a tight hug before walking back towards the shit load of work he had to do. 

Zayn wouldn't cheat on me, Niall thought again, trying to reassure his ticking conscious. He wouldn't.

AN/ It's been awhile. What do u feel about this chapter? Oh and Ziall are yet to have sex! Don't worry, that will happen soon. I just don't want this story to revolve around sex so that's why I'm kind of delaying it. That and I suck at writing smut. 


What do you guys think will happen next? Is Niall actually sure that Zayn didn't cheat? Do you think Zayn should tell Niall? 

Do you think Gigi will make an appearance again? 

What do you think about Louis? And Harry? 

Also, do u want Larry to happen or just Ziall to be the main focus? 

Do give your suggestions and feedback! ~

Other than that: 






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