Chapter 20 (!)

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Tonight was the night. Niall had prepared everything from the scratch and he had even gone as far as faking an illness so he could leave early from the office. It didn't help that his boss was also his boyfriend and tended to fret a lot but Niall didn't give a fuck then. He wanted to share his virginity with Zayn, the raven haired man who had shown him what love was all like. 

It had been four months since the last accusation fight had broken out and ever since then, things were a bit tense between Louis and Niall. The blonde had tried again and again to make it seem like he didn't care that his boyfriend had gotten a big fat hickey from his best friend. He really wasn't mad, a bit jealous yes, but not mad at either of the two men. Louis was drunk after all and Zayn couldn't exactly shove his friend off now could he? Niall understood that but the sight of Louis always give him pity eyes and saying 'I'm sorry. You deserve better' was really starting to tick Niall off. Why can't they all just move past it? 

So here he was, covering the bed with fresh rose petals as he waited for his lover to arrive . He was going to go for it tonight, no questions asked. He really wanted to feel Zayn, to connect with him. They had gone on several dates in these four months but it was just never the same. Yes, they did kiss and had heavy make out sessions but his boss was always stopping before things went any further. But Niall wasn't going to have any of that tonight, he was going to be the perfect boyfriend and he was going to be the sexy little minx that he always was. 

The outfit he had taken out was definitely going to do its trick. With begging Liam to leave the apartment and having a small fight with his best friend, Niall was now just more determined that ever to get some D. A knock on the door brought him out from his thoughts. He checked the wall clock, smiling to himself when it said 9:00 pm which just meant that Zayn was home. 

"Are you alright? Is it a fever or have you caught some flu?" Were the first words to leave the tanned man's mouth as he checked Niall's forehead for any signs of a high temperature, completely ignoring the back less silver dress he was wearing which ended just below his ass, hugging it tightly and making it seem a tad bit bigger than what it already was. The blonde smiled at his caring boyfriend before shaking his head as a no. 

"I prepared us something to eat," He took the taller man's hands in his own, leading him to the nicely prepared dinning room which had the table neatly arranged with hot meals lying in the two plates. He quickly took of Zayn's blazer and told the man to sit. The confused expression on the older man's face was definitely funny. Niall could just imagine his mind working as he thought about what today was, whether he had missed some sort of an anniversary or an important birthday. 

But soon, Zayn decided to put those thoughts away because the red pasta with meat sauce was just too tempting and mouth watering. Plus he was hungry and work was always tiring when you're hot as fuck secretary decides to leave the office early and you have no distraction from the stressing job. Zayn missed Niall a bit too much. He was used to always putting the blonde on his lap while he continued typing away on the laptop or just tickling his tummy every time Niall was arranging some files. It had become their thing you could say. The tender and loving office romance. The boss and his secretary, how very cliche. 

"What's the occasion?" The Pakistani asked after wiping his mouth clean. Niall surely knew how to cook and Zayn could just imagine always waking up with the blonde humming softly in the kitchen, wearing nothing but one of his long shirts as he cooked up something for the two, his hips swaying in a teasing manner as he served them breakfast. Damn, Zayn would like that to happen, very much. 

"I'm ready," Niall smiled knowingly at the confused man, hoping he'd catch on. He might be ready to give him virginity to Zayn and share it but he was not ready to say it out loud. Hell, he was never going to ask Zayn to fuck him. 

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