Chapter 7

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Zayn was panicking. Badly. He was so scared to mess it all up, so scared that he would push the beautiful blonde away. He knew he didn't come of as a very decent man and to be fucking honest, he really wasn't a decent guy. He had lived away most of his life, fucking people he didn't even know. If it wasn't for Louis, Zayn would probably he sitting back in his house with some disgusting disease he caught when fucking one of the random whores. 

"Stop panicking," Louis sighed, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately but that didn't mean that Louis wasn't happy. He was excited for his best friend but a part of him was also jealous. He tried shrugging that feeling off, considering that he didn't even know Niall like his best mate did but it was just so fucking hard. Niall was in front of Louis every hour of the day, laughing at his jokes and smiling when Louis so much as looked at the blonde. For a second, Louis was even ready to convince himself that Niall was in love with him. The only thing that was holding Louis back from making a wrong, or maybe right move, was his love for his best friend.

"What if I fuck things up? Lou, I always fuck things up," Louis didn't argue. Zayn was actually pretty good in screwing things up. Consider it his bad luck, but Zayn somehow always managed to do the wrong thing. Louis chuckled, remembering that one time when Zayn had developed a crush on a girl when they were in grade 5 and he remembered Zayn saying the stupidest things anyone had ever heard. 

"You'll be alright. Just make sure that everything has been planned accordingly. Alright mate?" He got up a bit hurriedly, wanting nothing more than to leave the room. He loved seeing his friend in love but couldn't stop imaging it being him who was pleasing Niall rather than Zayn. 

"You okay Lou?" Zayn frowned, of course he had noticed his friend acting so very out of it but only pointed it out right now. Louis just smiled, shaking his head slightly before walking out of Zayn's house. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pushing one into his mouth and sighed. 

"I wish I was you Zaynie." 


"This," Niall shoved a dress in front of his small frame, eyeing the mirror with a glare as if waiting for it to reply, "Or this," the replaced the red beaded dress with another, a black and white checkered one. 

Liam sighed for the hundredth time (everyone in this book seems to be sighing a lot). He honestly didn't fucking want to be here, but being the good "friend" he was, he had to suck it all up and just help Niall in picking out a fucking sexy dress for his date tonight. At least Liam got to see Niall change and sometimes, he even helped Niall in putting the dress on so Liam wasn't exactly complaining. 

"Ni, babe, you look fabulous no matter what you wear," it was the truth but Liam knew how insecure Niall was. The blonde clearly knew the effect he had on other people, especially males, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling that he wasn't good enough. It hurt Liam to see his friend, the guy he was truly, madly, deeply in love with, judging himself so critically.

"I don't," Niall whined, pulling out more dresses from the rack. Liam chuckled, shaking his head lovingly. 

"Try them all out for me," He picked the most slutty dresses from the rack and passed them to Niall, who widened his eyes. 

"Those--," Niall shivered, blushing uncontrollably. He couldn't believe that his very own best friend who he considered his brother, was asking him to wear such tight and short clothes. Niall wanted to trust Liam so badly, maybe he was doing it to see what Niall would wear for the night? Or maybe it was a test for Zayn? Well, Zayn would still want to fuck the blonde even if he wore a fucking onesie but that wasn't the point. 

"For me," he gave Niall his best puppy eyes, causing the blonde to sigh and take all the clothes inside the dressing room. Liam mentally cheered himself, he loved sometimes how gullible and easily trusting Niall was. This just gave Liam the opportunity to check the blonde out and secretly take his pictures for wanking later. 


Niall blushed furiously as he tried the black skimpy dress. It showed off his collarbones and shoulders perfectly and the contrast with his pale skin, just made the dress look elegant on Niall rather than slutty. He pulled the curtain away, shrinking from Liam's intense stare. Since when did his best mate look at him like that? It was as if Liam wanted to swallow Niall whole, as if Niall was his delicious meat and Niall didn't like all. 

"I- um," Niall stuttered, feeling embarrassed which just made Liam's smile widen. He loved it when the blonde flushed all red and he specially loved for his meaty thighs and hips were perfectly accentuated in this dress. 

"You look gorgeous," Liam smiled genuinely. Niall truly did look perfect. The dress did expose too much skin but with a jacket on top, Niall would be ready to go to this dress without looking like a whore. Not that Liam cared anyway. 

"Thanks," Niall smiled at his best friend, briefly forgetting about everything he was doubting. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe all Liam wanted was to see which dress would suit Niall the best. Oh how wrong could one person be....


Zayn stood outside Niall's apartment, fidgeting with his suit. He couldn't stop his body from shaking with nerves and excitement. He hated the feeling, but at the same time, he fucking loved it. He hoped he could make the blonde smile and laugh. He wanted Niall to have a good time without anyone interrupting them or trying anything with the small lad. Niall was too precious to be touched inappropriately and then and there, Zayn decided that he would protect his baby with everything he had. 

The door opened slowly, causing Zayn's nerves to skyrocket to an extremely high level. He could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest and to add more pressure to his mind and heart, the door was being opened at a very excruciatingly slow pace. Almost as if the person inside didn't want Zayn to see him. 

"Hi," Zayn snapped his attention from his feet to the lovely blonde standing in front of him. His breath hitching in the process. He couldn't think straight as he took in Niall's delicious thighs, his perfectly shaped legs, those pale exposed arms which he wanted to touch so badly, that delicious neck which was just waiting for Zayn to bruise it all up. Fuck, Niall looked so damn fuckable and Zayn was having a hard time controlling himself. The shimmering black dress clung to Niall's ass like a second skin, giving Zayn time to appreciate how full the blonde's ass was. He wanted to grope it, fondle with it and smack it again and again until the blonde was withering under him in pain and pleasure. Zayn could feel his pants tighten around his hard dick. 

"Babe," he warned, causing Niall to shrink back in a mix of fear and excitement. Niall could see Zayn's hard on and he would be lying if he said he wasn't excited. He wanted to see how big Zayn was and wanted to taste Zayn in his mouth but he controlled his inner slut and smiled innocently. "Hi." 

"You aren't wearing that," Zayn boomed, his voice cold and harsh that it made Niall whimper in pleasure.


"You're not going to show so much skin out there. I don't want people looking at you. You're mine," the raven haired man whispered harshly, tugging at Niall's arms, pulling him towards his hard chest. 

"I have a jacket," Niall whispered, pulling that jacket on from behind himself. Zayn grudgingly placed the jacket on the blonde's cold shoulders, not wanting to get late on their first date. 

"Next time, cover yourself from head to toe," he smiled cheekily, this tongue between his teeth making Niall giggle softly. 

"Yes sir." 

AN/ Did ya like it babies?? Was the chapter good? 

My exams start soon, so yeah. I'll get delayed on my updates but you'll still get them from time to time :) 

Next update when this chapter gets 15 VOTES AND 10 COMMENTS?? 

Dedicated to every single one of you, cause you're per-fect! :) 

Go ahead and: 






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