Chapter 15

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"So you let him stay?" Niall asked giddily. He couldn't believe that he had been invited to Harry's Welcome Party as the curly haired lad was now officially a part of Zayn's company. Niall was certain that Zayn would throw Harry off the first chance he got. It had been months since their last argument and in order to prevent any repeat of such an instance taking place, Niall had carefully avoided the topic of Harry with his boss. 

But now this had happened, he had simply walked out of the office to collect a few files and Valerie had stopped him suddenly, asking him if he was free this evening. The blonde had froze for a second, wondering if it wasn't already obvious that he was gay but Valerie, upon noticing his terrified expression had elaborated that Mr. Malik had given Harry permanent status as an employee and that every body was going to attend Harry Styles's welcome party. 

"I did," Zayn grunted angrily, watching the blonde's eyes sparkle. He wanted to so badly just let the curly brunette go but Briana had decided to extend her maternity leave for a year, saying that she needed to stay with her little kid and even invited Zayn over for lunch which he carefully declined considering he absolutely loathes kids, and then Harry had informed him that he had completed all of the files. Zayn was actually surprised with how efficient and hard working Harry Styles was and the curly haired man had often been the topic of conversation between him and Louis. 

One thing that Zayn didn't expect was the staff throwing a Welcome Party for the curly haired new employee and on top of that, he didn't expect not receiving an invitation. Moreover, Niall acting like a giddy school girl simply because he had allowed Harry to stay was kind of getting on his nerves, but he was trying so hard to not fuck up with the blonde. He finally got him and now he was never letting him go. Not because of his foolish mistakes. 

"Why was I not invited to the party?" The blonde giggled, sitting down lightly on the raven haired man's lap as he wrapped his arms around his neck. 

"Because you're our boss. And everybody hates their boss," Zayn laughed lightly, wrapping a free arm around the blonde's slim waist as he tried so desperately to ignore getting his down region hard because of the light kisses the Irishman was delivering on his neck. 

"Tell you what, after I come back from the party, let's have a nice dinner and then we'll do what you've wanted to do for a while," Niall whispered huskily, biting Zayn's earlobe for extra effect. The raven haired man tightened his grip on the blonde's waist, pulling his closer to his chest. 

"I like the sound of that. But are you sure? You know I can wait," He smiled softly, pecking the blonde's lips. 

"I'm pretty sure I'm ready. I want to give it to you," Niall smiled, trapping Zayn's lips in a soft and slow kiss. 


He got out of his car, watching the crowds of familiar faces fill the hall they had booked for Harry's Welcome Party. It was quite a nice and big hall, with white walls and soft flowers decorating it's sides. Niall could see the neatly arranged tables lined with bottles of champagne, clearly ordered before hand and thankfully, the blonde had decided to wear a simple black dress. Nothing too extravagant. It reached up till his thighs and even though Zayn had nagged at the blonde for not wearing leggings or anything hideous underneath, Niall had simply shrugged off everything Zayn said. He wasn't going to let a guy rule his clothing style. That was one thing Niall refused to change. 

"I'm so glad you came! At least one familiar face," Harry grinned, wrapping the blonde in a tight hug and then proceeded down to deliver the same hug to everyone else. Niall smiled, glad that his friend was staying and not being thrown out simply because of Zayn's jealousy. 

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