Chapter 2

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Niall walked in cautiously and sat down on the chair once Zayn had motioned him to. He wasn't an idiot, he knew all about the stares Zayn was giving him but Niall desperately needed this job so he wasn't going to let this get to him. Plus, Zayn was pretty hot so Niall didn't exactly mind being checked out by such a hot man. 

When Zayn didn't ask any questions or even utter a single word, Niall decided to take matters into his own hands. Honestly, the blonde was tired of people looking at him as if they wanted to eat him right then and there. He wasn't going to lie though, he knew he was pretty hot and when he wore those extremely tight skirts or those backless dresses, men wouldn't stop looking at him. It was because of this reason that they had left his previous job. You see, Niall was sick of his employer trying to get into his pants or in this case..skirt. He was just going his job one day when his boss just grabbed his arse. No explanations whatsoever, just started needing the poor peaches. Niall was embarrassed but more than that, he was angry. Not cause his boss had done such a horrendous thing but because this entire ordeal had taken place in a business meeting filled with around twenty high refined and respected business men. And they all laughed and some even attempted to join his prick of an ex-boss in the task of sexual harassment. Niall obviously wasn't one to let people get away with these things, especially not when Niall's temper was reaching its boiling point. So like any rational person, Niall had punched, kicked and kneed his boss in the groins and stormed off but not before wrecking the man's entire office and writing a big "fuck you" with his favorite red lipstick. Honestly, the revenge satisfied him. 

"So...," the blonde coughed loudly, trying to make the raven haired man pay attention to his face and maybe his resume rather than his chest and his skirt. Niall blushed when the man didn't budge. 

"Mr Malik," he said louder this time, making the man flinch in response and smirk. Niall rolled his eyes, obviously his boss wasn't one to feel embarrassed when caught staring. Why did Niall always end up with perverts? Or maybe they weren't the perverts but there was just something about Niall which always seemed to make man one?

"Oh right. You're hired," and to say Niall was confused but yet annoyed would be the understatement of the year. 

"I'm hired?" Zayn nodded, still smirking and quite openly checking out Niall's legs. 

"Without any interview or any trials?" Zayn nodded again, biting his lips this time has he looked at Niall's off shoulder top. 

"You know Mr Malik," Niall got up, walking over to where Zayn was sitting. He hadn't even known the man for an hour but he already figured how this guy worked. Niall was seriously done with people like Zayn, giving in to their urges so fucking easily. Whatever happened to the concept of self restraint and self respect? 

"You won't be getting any of this," He pointed to his shorter frame before trailing his manicured fingers on Zayn's jawline. And when the raven haired man gasped under his touch, Niall was the only one left smirking. 

The blonde walked out of the office but not before saying, " Thank you Mr Malik, I'll see you at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning." 

And to say Zayn was turned on would again, be the understatement of the year. He was definitely going to wank to the thought of the pretty blonde tonight. 

AN/ Lmao shitty chapter and its soooo short! I'm sorry but bear with me please. 

Next update when this chapter gets 2 VOTES AND 2 COMMENTS!







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