Chapter 12

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(GUYS! I've finally got an idea for this story and trust me, you're going to love this so so much! New cover by @zgnorant ! Thank you love

Zayn was tired. He was tired of watching Niall go about his life as if that night hadn't happened. As if Zayn has never behaved like a complete douche towards him. He was tired of how cozy Niall's relationship with Harry was, tired of watching the two together. It was as if with every step back he took from the blonde's private life, that was another step forward Niall took in letting Harry in. Just last night when he had gone to the Irishman's place to apologize he had spotted his curly haired worker going inside in some ugly bunny pajamas. The two were having a sleep over for fucks sake! and Zayn was tired of watching and waiting. 

So, he decided to take matters into his own hands. With the amount of experience he had in the dating field, there was definitely no question about the fact that he was going to make a fool out of himself but he had actually prepared himself for the worst. Three weeks of watching all the romantic comedy films he could had given him the idea that a 'big grand gesture' was all that was needed to make the girl yours! Certainly, Niall was no girl but the directors of those movies didn't say that men hated romantic shit. 

With that set in mind, the raven haired man had left his mansion early in the morning to make all the necessary arrangements. He was planning on making it right. Listening to the man you might like and possibly even love, laugh loudly with another guy, who was just as handsome as you was getting on his nerves. He had had enough of watching his blonde, his Niall, his secretary flirt (according to him) and tell his dirty little secrets (again, according to Zayn) to a certain curly haired temporary employee. If Zayn had been thinking of hiring Harry for permanent basis, he certainly wasn't thinking so right now. The green haired lad had managed to get on his bad list and just as soon as he was done with Briana's work, Zayn would bid the temporary worker goodbye with a happy and maybe triumphant smile. 

After arranging everything with a certain help from a very kind hearted brunette, Zayn got into his car to drive to Niall's apartment. To say he was nervous would be the understatement of the year. The man was jittery with nerves and the common sense of fear one feels when they're trying to mend a fucked up relationship. Though it wasn't really a relationship and after having spent five hours driving around and begging people to help him (not really, he paid them all), Zayn felt that he did deserve a chance. Just one chance. He wasn't even asking for much. 

He got out of his car once he had parked it outside Niall and that house mate of his' apartment building and walked towards the door. The bouquet of lilies he held kept on reminding him of the first time he had asked Niall out. He could vividly picture the blushing blonde and that short skirt. A frown took over his features when he remembered that his pretty blonde wasn't wearing those skirts anymore and that frown deepened when he realized that of course it was all because of him. But in his defense, he never wanted Niall to change. He loved how the Irishman was, he was just so different and strong and maybe that's what attracted him towards  Niall in the first place but of course, in his horny state of mind, he fucked it all up. 

Summing up all his courage, Zayn finally knocked on the door (after ringing the door bell, we're in the 21st century for fucks' sake!) shuffling on his feet uneasily when he heard the familiar voice chirp out a quick "Coming!" followed by a series of giggles. For a second he wondered why was Niall laughing and who was making him laugh like that, but calmed himself and his strange thoughts down when the door opened, revealing the blonde in his black tights and an off shoulder white top which revealed that milky skin of his. 

"Fuck...," Zayn inhaled, his gazing finally leaving the exposed shoulder to focus on Niall's glaring face. 

"What are you doing here Mr. Malik?" He wanted to flinch at the coldness in the blonde's voice but kept his cool. He was here to mend things not fuck them up any further. So with that thought set in mind, he placed the bouquet of lilies in front of Niall's blue eyes, watching them light up for a second before going back to the cold state. 

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