Chapter 5

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Niall shivered as he felt a cold hand rubbing circles on his thighs. He wanted to smack the hand away and he so desperately wanted to punch his boss in the face for doing such a shitty thing when they were in a meeting. A meeting which might earn Zayn's company a billion dollar worth contract and Naill didn't want to be the reason to fuck it all up for Zayn. 

"Can you not?" He whispered to Zayn, who of course, chose to ignore his secretaries request. 

Niall wondered how somebody could be this perverted and still have the face of an angel? He looked around the room and found several old and pretty close to their expiry date, men sitting in uptight suits, watching as Zayn said something or the other. Niall had zoned out on pretty much the entire conversation, but now he was more alert than ever before as the hand started moving up and down, insanely close to his crotch. Niall visibly froze, making Zayn look at him in concern. The blonde was actually shocked by how good an actor Zayn was. The man didn't even seem affected by everything that he was doing under the table. Talk about being an unprofessional boss/ fucking pervert.

Everyone in the room seemed pleased with what Zayn was saying and the hand of Niall's thighs seemed to have gained more courage with the applause, as now it was directly palming Niall through his panties. He shakily pushed the hands away, cursing his body for reacting to the unfamiliar hands of his sick boss. 

"Please don't," he whispered again to Zayn who look at him with furrowed eyebrows but ignored the blonde again, when some old man asked him a fucking question. Niall wanted to punch everyone for sitting in the same position for hours at a stretch, he wanted everybody to get up and leave so that he could finally smack his boss in the face, and possibly even staple the resignation letter on his forehead. 

His wish was granted, when ten minutes later everyone got up, including Zayn who shook hands with everyone and Niall wondered how could he so easily shake hands with these people? The same hand that was touching Niall's stiff cock through his lace panties just a moment before! 

When everyone had left the room and Niall was certain that nobody was going to enter the conference room again, he whipped around and smack Zayn straight across the face. The sound of the slap echoed through the empty room. 

"What the fuck Horan!" The culprit shouted, glaring at his secretary who looked like a little mouse out to kill somebody. 

"How could you! I know you're a pervert and a very desperate one at that, but in a meeting Zayn, seriously!?" Niall shouted, tears filling his eyes as he remembered the shame and embarrassment he had felt. Of course nobody had seem whatever was going on and if they had, they had definitely not pointed that out but Niall couldn't help but feel filthy. Somebody touching you like that without permission was probably one of the worst feelings in the world. 

"What are you talking about?" Zayn asked, genuinely confused and surprised at the tears gathering the blonde's eyes. 

"Don't act smart Mr Malik. I know I wear mini skirts and I know how people look at me, but I honestly didn't think you'd do something like this! What do you take me for Zayn? Did you actually think I enjoyed your fucking hands playing with my dick!" 

"Niall what happened? I never did anything to you and your dick! What are you talking about!?" the desperate tone in Zayn's voice made Niall stop for a second and just look at Zayn. He could see how genuinely surprised his boss was and then his mind wondered back to somebody playing with his skirt. 

"Then who? Zayn, somebody was touching me inappropriately during the meeting," Niall whispered, his voice shaking as bile rose in his throat. He ran out of the room in quick steps, walking to the nearest toilet to vomit out everything he had eaten before the meeting. He felt soft hands rubbing circles on his back and strangely enough, Niall felt calm when he realized it was Zayn. 

"I'm sorry, I thought it was you," he rubbed furiously at his eyes, wiping away his tears. 

"I'll kill the sick shit who did this. Do you remember who was siting next to you?" Zayn asked, flushing the toilet while helping Niall to get up. He could see how much Niall hated being touched by strangers and felt guilty for all the time he had tried doing something nasty to the blonde. Of course, Zayn would never touch him without his permission and he absolutely hated seeing Niall with his cheeks stained with tears. 

"You even look pretty even when you cry," the words escaped out of Zayn's mouth before he could stop himself and judging by the blush on Niall's cheeks, he was glad his mouth lacked a filter at times. 

"T-thanks," the blonde looked at Zayn with those doe shaped blue eyes he'd come to love so much. He wondered how much he could make Niall blush and smile. He wanted to be the reason for the blonde's smiles and everything in between. Zayn won't admit it out loud but he desperately wanted the blonde, his secretary, to depend on him, to rely on him. 

"Also, it was the old man who was sitting on the right of me. You know, the one who wore a blue tuxedo? I don't remember his name," Niall's voice was soft and scared, making Zayn frown. He didn't want Niall to fear such things. He knew how much men were tempted to fuck the blonde the moment they laid eyes on him. Fuck, Niall was gorgeous from head to toe and Zayn could see how beautiful Niall was even when his cheeks were flushed and stained with tears. But never did Zayn imagine somebody doing something so sick to the blonde who looked so fragile. 

"Martin. I know who you are talking about. He'll be a dead meat by tomorrow," Zayn gave Niall a tight smile. He'd always thought Martin to be a man of lose morals but never wondered him to go as far as sexually harassing his secretary. 

"Don't do anything too risky." 


AN/ Um...this is short but its 1000+ words so that's something. Also, Ziall feels <3 <3 

Anywhore, feel free to check out my Narry fiction "Impotent" and Larry fan fiction "Trouble". Shameless self promotion xD 


So, what are you waiting for: 





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