Chapter 21

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Zayn could feel his blood running cold as he stared at the naked back of his lover sleeping comfortably next to him as he held the phone tightly to his ears. Why did all the worst things in life have to happen to him? He couldn't believe this and the phone call had already disconnected ten minutes back when he refused to respond, too shocked to even move his body. 

He could feel movement next to him but paid no heed to it. It was probably the beautiful blonde changing positions in sleep but when a cold hand rested on his shoulder, Zayn's body visibly flinched at the touch. The only thoughts running around his brain were the words that girl, his supposed friend and just a one night secret had mumbled through the line. Were just two words, which were stuttered out going to ruin his life forever? 

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you not going to sleep?" Niall asked lightly, rubbing gentle fingers on his boss' prominent jawline, smiling to himself as the events of a few hours back started replaying in his mind. He leaned forward to leave a soft peck on Zayn's chin, frowning when he felt salty water touching his lips. 

"Wh-what's wrong?" Niall's frown deepened when the raven haired man got out of the bed, his eyes never matching Niall's sea blue ones. He watched the taller man pull his shirt closer on his body and then the trousers. Was he going to leave? It seemed like it.

"Are you leaving?" Once again the petite blonde was greeted with nothing but silence. This was the kind of atmosphere he hated the most. The tension was visible in the air as the tattooed man's body moved almost like that of a robot's. It was as if Zayn wasn't even here, in this world and his thoughts were somewhere else. But Niall couldn't take the mind numbing silence anymore, his dark thoughts were getting the best of him, telling him, yelling at him how he had given something so precious to this person who couldn't even spend the night. What was happening to his life? Since when did everything get so complicated?

"For fucks' sake, answer me Zayn," He screamed, his fingers digging into the palm of his hands to keep himself from punching the raven haired man senseless. Why can't he just tell him whatever the fuck was going on? Niall would not do anything if this beautifully tanned man just told him that he used the small blonde for his needs, that he was nothing but a toy because why else would a man like Zayn Malik go around fucking his good for nothing secretary? 

Niall laughed at the track his thoughts had gone to. His insecurities were getting the best of him and Zayn being quiet was not doing anything right now. Nothing at all to help this fucked up situation. 

"What do you want to know? How I cheated on you by fucking one of my old hookups on the night when I saw the video of you and Harry kissing? How I kept it a fucking secret from you even when you had almost caught on to the fact? How my best friend hates me for lying to you but he's too kind to snitch my mistakes out to you? Or do you want to know something else Niall?" Zayn took a deep breath, tugging on his black roots before yelling in frustration as he threw his phone on the wall, watching the device fall on the floor with a wide crack on the screen. "Or do you want to know how after four months that bitch called me to tell me that I might be the father of the kid she's having? I fucked up Niall. I fucked us up badly." He slumped on the floor, wanting nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow him whole. 

"You're going to be a dad....?" Zayn lifted his gaze from the ground, gasping at the sight before his eyes. What he feared the most was happening right now and it was scary, it was so fucking scary to watch Niall's eyes filling with tears he refused to let spill but eventually let them go, his body shaking as he sobbed louder and louder with every passing minute. He watched the blonde pick up the perfume bottle which lay on the dressing table, before smashing it to where Zayn sat. He clenched his eyes shut, letting the sounds of things smashing on the floor fill his ears. He did this. He made Niall this angry and sad. This was all his fault. 

"I'm sorry," He whispered lightly, not knowing whether he was apologizing to Niall for being a fuck up or to himself for always failing the only guy he will ever love. There was no doubt that Niall was going to leave after this, who would stay? Who would stay with a cheater and a liar? No one. 

"You're sorry? What are you sorry for Zayn? You could've said these words four months ago and I would've forgiven you. We would've figured this out but you had to be a fucking whore and fuck the first person you found! If I would've done that Zayn, you would've dumped my ass without even giving me a chance to explain myself," Niall threw his hands in the air in exasperation. What was the point of scolding Zayn now? What was done was done. He was going to have a child and that was it. This was it for them. Niall wasn't going to stay with a man who had not only cheated on him but had gotten another girl pregnant. 

"I was angry okay? I was angry and upset. I didn't want to do that. I had too much alcohol in my system. I'm so sorry baby," The raven haired man crawled over to his beautiful blonde lover, hugging his legs tightly. He couldn't lose the one person that meant the world to him. 

"What are we doing Zayn? We're so fucked up. This is fucking unhealthy," Tears welled his blue eyes and he let them fall down, too tired to hold them in. 

Niall got up abruptly from his previous position on the edge of the dressing table and pulled the raven haired man by his arms. He didn't wait for him to respond or even adjust to the new position, and without a warning, started dragging the taller boy downstairs by the arm. He opened the front door, wiping away his tears furiously with his hand. 

"Leave and don't come back." His own voice frightened him. Since when did he become such a cold and cruel person? He was kicking his boss out of his house at 2 in the morning, for fucks' sake but he deserved it, didn't he? 

"Oh and Zayn. I hope your kid doesn't turn out to be a slut like this father," and with that, he slammed the door shut on his ex lovers face. 

AN/ Soooo......that was quite intense wasn't it? Damn! 

What do you guys think is going to happen next? 

Is Niall going to go back to Zayn or is he going to be with Harry or Liam or maybe...Louis? 

What do you think Zayn will do now? Will he fight for Niall or will he accept the reality? Is he going to accept the kid? 

Gigi is just 4 months pregnant. Why do you think she didn't tell Zayn about her pregnancy before? What will happen when her and Zayn meet again? Will Zayn be accepting or not? 

Uh, so many questions. But the last one is, "What's going to happen to Ziall now?"

Can't wait to actually finish this story! I love writing this so much. It started off as just something i wrote for fun but now I'm so fucking into this. I feel like I'm Niall and Zayn, both at the same time lol








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