Chapter 22

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Zayn walked inside the dim lit apartment, his fists clenched by his sides. His thoughts were running wild as the image of a crying Niall flashed in his mind. He couldn't do it. Father a child which he wasn't even sure was his own and more than that, he didn't want to lose Niall to some slut he fucked when he was drunk off his ass. 

For sure the blonde wasn't going to forgive him just like that but maybe if the baby and Gigi were out of the way he would at least reconsider taking Zayn back. The raven haired man knocked on the door, waiting for it to open up so he could just talk to Gigi and walk out of there. He had a hella lot to say but better keep it short and simple. 

Checking his phone for any updates or calls from his favorite blonde, he shook his head when there were none. The raven haired man sighed in relief when the door finally opened, his eyes taking in Gigi's slightly bloated form. She wasn't exactly fat but then again, she was just four months pregnant with a small but visible belly. 

Zayn's eyes refused to leave the protruded surface. It was hidden beneath the white simple T-shirt she was wearing but Zayn could still see the small bump. He did that. That was his, his baby but he couldn't believe this was happening. He was just twenty three years old for fucks' sake. There was already too much on his plate with managing such a big company and trying to keep in the good books of his family while being the perfect boyfriend Niall deserved to have and now this! It was as if God hated him with a vengeance, just adding more on his plate than he could take. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Gigi led the conflicted man inside the apartment, pointing to the sofa seat, indicating that he could make himself at home. She gave him a glass of water before sitting right in front of the raven haired man. 

"You need to leave," Zayn got out, his eyes fixed at the blonde girl's brown ones. It was strange how he could've even fucked this chick. Sure they used to do that in his college days but those days were gone. He wasn't the same player like he was then and Gigi just didn't have any resemblance to Niall but yet, like a fool he had thought about hurting Niall the same way he had been hurt but of course, he had gone a bit too far and look where a night of careless sex had gotten him. 

"What?" The blonde asked, cocking her head to the side as she allowed Zayn's words to sink in. It was obvious that he wasn't happy with the baby and she should've known he wasn't going to come around any time soon. 

"You need to leave. I'm willing to pay you any amount you demand and all I want you to do is leave. Get out of London and move some place else. I'll keep on putting money in your account, just tell me the number and I'll give you it but I'm not, and I mean this Gi, I'm not leaving Niall for some kid who might not even be mine," The man got out, watching the blonde girl frown at the words that left his mouth. 

"I don't want the money. I want you to accept this kid. I can't do this alone Zayn," There were tears in her eyes and the raven haired man simply rolled his eyes at that. Too bad that the only one whose tears made him weak was Niall and his pretty bottle blonde must be crying right now, thinking of the betrayal that Zayn caused him and just that thought was enough to piss him off. He had fucked up enough and now he was going to put it all to an end. Surely there was no way Gigi could even possibly be in love with him and actually expect him to stay with her, that was just not going to happen no matter what. 

"I don't want the fucking kid alright? I don't even know if it's mine. I just want you away from mine and Niall's relationship. You've already ruined it enough," Zayn hissed clenching his fists at his side as the flashbacks from that night came back into his mind. Niall just gave him something so precious and of course his bad luck had to interfere at that moment and ruin it all for the two of them. 

"It's your kid Zayn. I haven't had any sexual relationship with anyone after that night with you. It's yours and I have nobody to go to. My parents disowned me, my sister doesn't give a shit. I'm not rich and I can't handle a kid alone. I'm twenty one Zayn, I can't take care of a kid all on my own," A part of him agreed with  her and even wanted to help her. He felt sorry for the poor girl. This wasn't her fault, he was also to be blamed. But was he going to risk it all? Ruin his life just for some girl he used to get rid of all the stress and forget about Niall's betrayal? 

"I'm going to help you financially. Three million pounds should be enough to help you move out of this apartment and into a much bigger one. I'll pay for the kid's tuition fees when he goes to school and everything." 

"But you won't give them your name?" 

"No. Not until I know for sure that it's my kid. Till then just stay away from me and Niall," He checked his wrist watch, sighing to himself when he realized they'd been arguing for about an hour already and got up form his seat on the sofa, already showing himself outside. 

Once he was out of the door, Gigi sighed to herself, taking her phone of her jeans pocket, her left hand tracing small circles on her pregnant belly. She kept on telling herself that this needed to be done, after all, it was Zayn who pushed her to the edge. If only he had agreed to help her...

"Hello Trisha, it's me Gigi," The girl smirked to herself when the woman on the other line recognized her, clearly not forgetting about all the girls her son used to get home back in the days. Well, this should be fairly easy, she smiled to herself before turning her attention back on what Zayn's mum was saying.  

AN/ I do not like Gigi right now. Anywhore, did you guys see Emma at the Met Gala? She looked so so so fabulous. She's so perfect, I cry. Seriously the best human alive. She's pure beauty both inside and out. And she dress was just so so pretty. It must've been a bitch to walk in though. 

Also, I've got some good news! I'm working on this new Narry fan fiction and it's called "Red." It's going to be amazing. I'm enjoying writing it so much. I'm probably gonna write down at least 10 chapters before I finally decide to publish it. Hopefully you guys will like it! 

Back to the story now; 

What do you guys think of Gigi? 

What's going to happen now that she called Zayn's mum? 

Do think Zayn did the right thing by throwing money at Gigi (not literally lol) ? 

What's going to happen to Niall and Zayn now? 

Uhh, so many questions but the best of them is, "What do you think Trisha will do once she gets to know that her son has gotten someone pregnant?" 

Apart from this, I would like to apologize for the mildly delayed updates lol . I used to update like every day but I've been slacking now. Sorry! I'll try to get back on track. 

Please check out some other works of mine: 

1) His For A Price - Ziall Horlik 

2) Sex Lessons - Ziall Horlik 

3) Like I would - Ziall Horlik 

4) Niall Defense Squad - niall centric 

5) Lights, camera & sex - niall-centric 

6) What my boyfriend doesn't know - narry 

7) Britain's hottest couple - narry 

8) Impotent - Narry (completed) 

It would mean the world to me if you guys could check these stories out. Please leave your feedback in the comments !








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